WordPress 如何清除错误凭据上的登录字段

WordPress how to clear the login fields on incorrect credentials

我在网上找到了这个代码片段,将其插入到我的 function.php 文件中以自定义错误消息,使其更安全:

// custom the login error message
function customize_login_errors(){
    return 'The login credentials are incorrect.';
add_filter( 'login_errors', 'customize_login_errors' );



How do I take it a step further and clear both the username/email and password fields upon entering invalid credentials?


将此 javascript 放入一个名为 custom_error_login.js

jQuery(document).ready(async function ($) {

  await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 200));




然后将以下代码片段放入您的活动 child/theme 的 functions.php 并在登录失败后使用以下钩子将其注入登录页面!!!

add_filter('login_errors', 'my_custom_login_failure');

function my_custom_login_failure()
    global $errors;

    $error_codes = $errors->get_error_codes();

    // Invalid username.
    if (in_array('invalid_username', $error_codes)) {
        $error = '<strong>Invalid credentials!!!</strong>';

    // Incorrect password.
    if (in_array('incorrect_password', $error_codes)) {
        $error = '<strong>Invalid credentials!!!</strong>';

    remove_action('login_footer', 'wp_shake_js', 12); // removing the shaking effect of the form, snippet could work without this line too!!!  


    wp_enqueue_script('my_custom_login_script', get_theme_file_uri('path/to/js_folder/custom_error_login.js'), 'JQuery', "1.0", TRUE);

    return $error;