React Native:更新上下文抛出 "Cannot update during an existing state transition"

React Native : update context throw "Cannot update during an existing state transition"

我有一个 React 本机应用程序,我正在尝试在自定义上下文中更新日期。


export const ThemeContext = React.createContext({
    theme: 'dark',
    toggleTheme: () => { },
    date: new Date(),
    setDate: (date: Date) => { } 

Basic context with the date and the function to update it


export default class App extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      theme: 'dark',
      date: new Date()

  render() {
    const { theme, date } = this.state;
    const currentTheme = themes[theme];

    const toggleTheme = () => {
      const nextTheme = theme === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light';
      this.setState({ theme: nextTheme });

    const setDate = (date: Date) => {
      // ERROR is raised HERE
      this.setState({date: date});

    return (
        <IconRegistry icons={EvaIconsPack} />
        <ThemeContext.Provider value={{ theme, toggleTheme, date, setDate }}>

I simply hava a state with a Date and create a setDate function. I wrapped my app into the context provider.


class PickerContent extends React.Component<{}, ContentState> {
    static contextType = ThemeContext;

    constructor(props: {} | Readonly<{}>) {
        let currentMode = 'date';
        let show = false;

        if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
            currentMode = 'datetime';
            show = true;

        this.state = {
            date: new Date(),
            mode: currentMode,
            show: show

    setMode(currentMode: string) {
        this.setState({ mode: currentMode, show: true });

    onChange(_event: any, selectedDate: Date) {
        const currentDate = selectedDate ||;
        // I update the context here
        this.setState({date: currentDate, show: Platform.OS === 'ios'})

    render() {
        const {show, date, mode } = this.state;
        const color = 'dark';

        return (
            {show && <DateTimePicker
                onChange={(event, selectedDate) => this.onChange(event, selectedDate)}>

I use the lib 'DateTimePicker' to choose a date and bind the onChange to update the context. This picker is on a modal.

所以当DateTimePicker的onChange函数被触发时出现警告。错误在 App.tsxsetState (in setDate)

Warning: Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as within 'render'). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state.



我使用的是 UI Kitten 库中的模态组件。我切换到 react native Modal,错误消失了。错误似乎来自图书馆。抱歉

提前感谢您的帮助, 西尔万

如果您正在使用 class 组件,您可以将上下文更新 fn 移动到 componentDidUpdate 中。你只需比较你的状态,如果你的状态发生了变化,你就用新值更新你的上下文。 大致如下:

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
  if ( !== {

onChange(_event: any, selectedDate: Date) {
    const currentDate = selectedDate ||;
    this.setState({date: currentDate, show: Platform.OS === 'ios'})


如果您将此组件重构为功能性组件,您将能够使用 useEffect 执行相同的操作。

我编辑了我的问题。错误最终似乎来自使用的库 (ui kitten)。