Cucumber (Gherkin): How to use parameters of type non string (Long) in test steps?
我正在尝试编写一些 Cucumber 测试以熟悉 Gherkin 语言。
Scenario: Get a customer
When an user wants to get a customer <id>
Then an HTTP 200 status together with the requested customer data is returned
@When("an user wants to get a customer {long}")
public void anUserWantsToGetACustomer(Long id)
运行 验证目标引发以下异常:
[ERROR] Get a customer Time elapsed: 0.023 s <<< ERROR!
The step "an user wants to get a customer <long>" is undefined. You can implement it using the snippet(s) below:
@When("an user wants to get a customer <id>")
public void anUserWantsToGetACustomer_id() {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new io.cucumber.java.PendingException();
很明显,step方法需要带一个Long类型的参数,它不理解。但是,对于 String 类型的参数,它可以工作,例如:
Scenario: Get a customer
When an user wants to get a customer "<id>"
Then an HTTP 200 status together with the requested customer data is returned
@When("an user wants to get a customer {string}")
public void anUserWantsToGetACustomer(String id)
那么,为了让我的测试接受 Long 参数,我应该在这里使用哪种语法?
您可以在步骤定义中使用 {long}
Scenario: test long type
Given I log the type of 41
@Given("I log the type of {long}")
public void logType(Long testLong ) {
System.out.println("type of 41 is:"+ testLong.getClass());
type of 41 is:class java.lang.Long
Scenario Outline: test long type
Given I log the type of <id>
| 41 |
@Given("I log the type of {long}")
public void logType(Long testLong ) {
System.out.println("type of " +testLong +" is:"+ testLong.getClass());
我正在尝试编写一些 Cucumber 测试以熟悉 Gherkin 语言。 这是一个功能示例:
Scenario: Get a customer
When an user wants to get a customer <id>
Then an HTTP 200 status together with the requested customer data is returned
@When("an user wants to get a customer {long}")
public void anUserWantsToGetACustomer(Long id)
运行 验证目标引发以下异常:
[ERROR] Get a customer Time elapsed: 0.023 s <<< ERROR!
The step "an user wants to get a customer <long>" is undefined. You can implement it using the snippet(s) below:
@When("an user wants to get a customer <id>")
public void anUserWantsToGetACustomer_id() {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new io.cucumber.java.PendingException();
很明显,step方法需要带一个Long类型的参数,它不理解。但是,对于 String 类型的参数,它可以工作,例如:
Scenario: Get a customer
When an user wants to get a customer "<id>"
Then an HTTP 200 status together with the requested customer data is returned
@When("an user wants to get a customer {string}")
public void anUserWantsToGetACustomer(String id)
那么,为了让我的测试接受 Long 参数,我应该在这里使用哪种语法?
您可以在步骤定义中使用 {long}
Scenario: test long type
Given I log the type of 41
@Given("I log the type of {long}")
public void logType(Long testLong ) {
System.out.println("type of 41 is:"+ testLong.getClass());
type of 41 is:class java.lang.Long
Scenario Outline: test long type
Given I log the type of <id>
| 41 |
@Given("I log the type of {long}")
public void logType(Long testLong ) {
System.out.println("type of " +testLong +" is:"+ testLong.getClass());