如何匹配这个 df/sp 对象的坐标(UTM 和几何)?

How to match the coordinates (UTM and geometry) of this df/sp objects?

如果你能帮我解决这个问题,我会很高兴。我想geom_point df“daa_84”到shp文件“shp_5”。在 Whosebug 上查看了多个相关问题并测试了他们的答案(如从“daa_84”创建一个 sp 对象并转换 UTM 坐标以使其与“shp_5”的坐标相匹配),我只得到类似剧情。另外,我知道坐标系统 (WGS84) 的 UTM 带 (19S) 和与我国相关的 EPSG 代码 (32719) 是“某物”所必需的哈哈。有什么想法吗?

> head(daa_84)
            # A tibble: 6 x 2
              utm_este utm_norte
                 <dbl>     <dbl>
            1   201787   6364077
            2   244958   6247258
            3   245947   6246281
            4   246100   6247804
            5   246358   6242918
            6   246470   6332356
    > head(shp_5)
            Simple feature collection with 6 features and 1 field
            geometry type:  MULTIPOLYGON
            dimension:      XY
            bbox:           xmin: -7973587 ymin: -3976507 xmax: -7838155 ymax: -3766040
            projected CRS:  WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator
                 Comuna                       geometry
            1 Rinconada MULTIPOLYGON (((-7871440 -3...
            2   Cabildo MULTIPOLYGON (((-7842610 -3...
            3   Petorca MULTIPOLYGON (((-7873622 -3...
            4 Panquehue MULTIPOLYGON (((-7874932 -3...
            5     Olmué MULTIPOLYGON (((-7916865 -3...
            6 Cartagena MULTIPOLYGON (((-7973501 -3...
        ggplot() + geom_sf(data = shp_5, aes()) + 
              geom_point(data = daa_84, aes(x= "utm_este", "utm_norte"),
                         alpha = 0.05, size = 0.5) + 
              labs(x = "Latitude", y = "Longitude")+

my progress so far



daa_84 = tribble(~utm_este, ~utm_norte,
201787,   6364077,
244958,   6247258,
245947,   6246281,
246100,   6247804,
246358,   6242918,
246470,   6332356)

daa_84 = st_as_sf(daa_84, 
                  coords=c('utm_este', 'utm_norte'), 
                  crs=st_crs(32719)) %>% 

这对你有用。我对南美洲使用了不同的数据集,因为您没有提供 reproducible example.

library(spData) # just for the 'world' dataset

# original
daa_84 <- data.frame(
  utm_este = c(201787L, 244958L, 245947L, 246100L, 246358L, 246470L),
  utm_norte = c(6364077L, 6247258L, 6246281L, 6247804L, 6242918L, 6332356L)

# converted
daa_84_sf <- st_as_sf(daa_84, coords = c("utm_este", "utm_norte"), crs = 32719)

# load world to get South America
sam <- world %>% 
  filter(continent == "South America")

# plot
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = sam) + 
  geom_sf(data = daa_84_sf)