
pointer being realloc'd was not allocated?


假设 freq_tostring() 将词频 freq 转换为字符串,然后 freq_intostream() 将该字符串附加到流的末尾。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct {
    char *word; // null-terminated
    int freq;
} freq;

 * Constructor
void new_freq(freq *fq, const char *word, const int freq) {
    fq->word = (char *)malloc((strlen(word) + 1) * sizeof(char)); // +1 for null-terminator
    strcpy(fq->word, word);
    fq->freq = freq;

 * Free memory
void dispose_freq(void *fq) {
    freq *p = (freq *)fq;
    p->word = NULL;

 * snprintf() will terminate the string with a null character, unless buf_size is zero.
char *freq_tostring(freq *fq) {
    size_t wordlen = strlen(fq->word);
    char *buffer = (char *)malloc(wordlen + 16); // maximum integer has 10 digits
    snprintf(buffer, wordlen + 16, "[%s, %d]\n", fq->word, fq->freq);
    return buffer;

 * Append the string of freq to the end of stream.
void freq_intostream(void *elem, void *stream) {
    freq *fq = (freq *)elem;
    char *str = *(char **)stream;
    size_t strsize = strlen(str);
    // printf("Stream = \"%s\", length = %lu\n", str, strsize);
    char *word = freq_tostring(fq);
    size_t wordsize = strlen(word);
    // printf("Element = \"%s\"%lu\n", word, wordsize);
    char *temp = (char *)realloc(str, strsize + wordsize + 1);
    strcpy(temp + strsize, word);
    temp[strsize + wordsize] = '[=10=]';
    // printf("After strcpy(): \"%s\"\n", temp);
    str = temp;

int main(void) {
    freq apple, banana, kiwi;
    new_freq(&apple, "apple", 3);
    new_freq(&banana, "banana", 2);
    new_freq(&kiwi, "kiwi", 5);

    char *buffer = (char *)malloc(1);
    buffer[0] = '[=10=]';
    freq_intostream(&apple, &buffer);
    freq_intostream(&banana, &buffer);
    freq_intostream(&kiwi, &buffer);

    assert(strlen(buffer) == 33); 
    assert(strcmp(buffer, "[apple, 3]\n[banana, 2]\n[kiwi, 5]\n") == 0);


奇怪的是,当我 运行 10 次时,它给了我大约 9 pointer being realloc'd was not allocated,但也许在 1~2 次情况下,一切正常。

如果我注释掉 printf(),它表明在附加第三个元素 kiwi 之前,流是空的,这可能是 realloc 失败的原因。但我确定我将 char * stream 的指针传递给 freq_intostream() 函数,这肯定是 char **。我找不到问题所在,有人可以帮忙吗?

当您想要 j = 3; 时,您已经完成了相当于 i = j; i = 3; 的工作。显然,这些不会做同样的事情。仔细查看此函数中标记的行:

 * Append the string of freq to the end of stream.
void freq_intostream(void *elem, void *stream) {
    freq *fq = (freq *)elem;
    char *str = *(char **)stream;
    size_t strsize = strlen(str);
    // printf("Stream = \"%s\", length = %lu\n", str, strsize);
    char *word = freq_tostring(fq);
    size_t wordsize = strlen(word);
    // printf("Element = \"%s\"%lu\n", word, wordsize);
    char *temp = (char *)realloc(str, strsize + wordsize + 1);
    strcpy(temp + strsize, word);
    temp[strsize + wordsize] = '[=10=]';
    // printf("After strcpy(): \"%s\"\n", temp);
    str = temp; // OOPS!!

你改变了 str 的值,但是 str 是这个函数的局部变量,它的值在函数结束后立即被丢弃。

您想要:*(char**)stream = temp; 更改调用者传递给您的指针的值。

如果去掉所有强制转换,这段代码会简单得多。如果 elemchar ** 类型,你可以只做 *elem = temp; 代码会更容易理解。