Python 没有跳入 "else" 条件

Python not jumping into "else" condition


这是我第一个 post 在这里 & 我只是在编程池中轻拍我的脚所以请温柔点:)

按照目前的情况,我必须满足 2 个条件(sadcat & great == yes)。我想要的是直接跳到其他('Why did you even start this game in the first place? This is a rhetorical question btw.'),如果第一个条件不满足(sadcat == 'yes' 以外的东西) 我不知道为什么这行不通......缩进对我来说似乎没问题。感谢任何帮助

sadcat = input('Do you like war? ')
great = input ('That\'s great but are you also a cat? ')

if sadcat == 'yes':
    if great == 'yes':
      print('ok I have no more questions')
      print('Not a cat ? How do you even live with yourself.')
  print('Why did you even start this game in the first place? This is a rhetorical question btw.', end=" ")


sadcat = input('Do you like war? ')
if sadcat == 'no':
    print('Why did you even start this game in the first place? This is a rhetorical question btw.', end=" ")

great = input ('That\'s great but are you also a cat? ')
if great == 'yes':
    print('ok I have no more questions')
    print('Not a cat ? How do you even live with yourself.')

所以基本上代码会按照编写的顺序执行每一行。 在您的代码中,它首先接受 sadcat 的输入,然后输入 great。

仅在此之后它才开始评估 sadcat。 (你的代码是正确的。一旦它到达评估部分,它将直接进入else)

如果您希望游戏在玩家输入 'yes'

import sys

sadcat = input('Do you like war? ')
if sadcat != 'yes':
    print('Why did you even start this game in the first place? This is a rhetorical question btw.', end=" ")
    sys.exit() #this will terminate the program    

great = input ('That\'s great but are you also a cat? ')

if sadcat == 'yes':
    if great == 'yes':
      print('ok I have no more questions')
      print('Not a cat ? How do you even live with yourself.')