MPI 中的障碍:如何实施障碍以使进程相互等待

Barrier in MPI: How to implement barrier to make processes wait for one another

有什么方法可以在 MPI 代码中添加屏障。



int main()
  //I want all my processors to do till this and 
   wait for other processers to complete till this point, 
   and then resume the remaining part


有没有办法在 MPIch 中做到这一点?

That is a processor must wait for the other processors to finish the code till that region and then only proceed to the remaining part of the code.


Blocks until all processes in the communicator have reached this routine.


Blocks the caller until all processes in the communicator have called it; that is, the call returns at any process only after all members of the communicator have entered the call.

要了解有关何时使用 MPI_Barrier 的更多信息,您可以阅读何时使用 I need to use MPI_Barrier()?