如何加载一批图像以供我的 tfjs 模型处理

How do I load a batch of images to be processed by my tfjs model

我在 Keras 中创建了一个模型并将其转换为 Tensorflow.js 模型并将其加载到我的 node.js 项目中。现在我想从 Tensorflow.js 中的这个模型得到预测。我已经弄清楚如何加载单个图像了:

var singleImageData = fs.readFileSync('path/to/image.jpeg');
var image = tf.node.decodeImage(new Uint8Array(singleImageData), 3);
image = tf.cast(image, 'float32');
//other image processing

这将创建一个形状为 (imageWidth, imageHeight, 3) 的张量。但我想将一批图像加载到形状为 (batchNumber, imageWidth, imageHeight, 3) 的张量中。



// let say that image has the following shape: (32,32,3)
imageWithBatchDim = image.expandDims(0)
// imageWithBatchDim has the following shape: (1,32,32,3)


// image1 and image2 must have the same shape (i.e (32,32,3))
batchImages = tf.stack([image1, image2])
// batchImages will have the following shape: (2,32,32,3)