
How to make directive use the controller specified in directive attribute?


<directive data="user" templateUrl="./user.html" controller="UserController"></directive>


AngularJS 指令是否可行?或者我应该用其他方式来做,也许用组件?


app.directive('directive', function() {
        var controllerName = "UserController"; // i want that to dynamicaly come from attribute
        // check if controller extists:
        var services = [];
            services[value[2][0]] = true;
        if (!services[controllerName]) controllerName = false;
        return {
            scope: { 'data' : '=' },

            link: function (scope) {
                Object.assign(scope, scope.data);
            templateUrl: function(element, attr) {
                return attr.templateurl;
            controller: controllerName

您可以执行以下操作(不完全按照您的要求 - 它会创建一堆嵌套范围,但应该足够了):

    .directive('directive', () => {
        scope: { 'data' : '=' },
        template: (elem, attrs) => {
          return '<div ng-controller="' + attrs.controller + ' as vm"><div ng-include="' + attrs.template + '"></div></div>';

<directive data="user" templateUrl="./user.html" controller="UserController"></directive>
  • 你可以直接使用 $templateCache 而不是 ng-include
  • 如果你需要 controller/template/... 是动态的,你需要 observe/watch + dom 操作 + 重新编译东西

好的,所以在分析了 Petr 的回答后,我 post 工作代码 using nested div:

app.directive('directive', function() {
        return {
            scope: { 'data' : '=' },
            link: function (scope) {
                // this makes your fields available as {{name}} instead of {{user.name}}:
                Object.assign(scope, scope.data);
            template: function(element, attrs) {
                var controllerName = attrs.controller;
                var controllerString = controllerName + ' as vm';
                // check if controller extists:
                var services = [];
                    services[value[2][0]] = true;
                if (!services[controllerName]) {
                    return '<div ng-include="\'' + attrs.templateurl + '\'"></div>'; 
                } else {
                    return '<div ng-controller="' + controllerString + '"><div ng-include="\'' + attrs.templateurl + '\'"></div></div>';