Xcode12.5:SPM 依赖缓存位置

Xcode 12.5: SPM Dependency Cache Location

Swift 包管理器有一个新的 feature in Xcode 12.5:

Swift Package Manager caches package dependencies on a per-user basis, which reduces the amount of network traffic and increases performance of dependency resolution for subsequent uses of the same package. If needed, you can disable cache use in xcodebuild by using the new -disablePackageRepositoryCache flag. (72204929)


我想知道此更改对之前的行为有何不同,因为之前在 DerivedData 中已经有一个缓存文件夹。那么这里的 new 是什么?

Xcode 12.5 发行说明似乎指的是 ~/Library/Caches/org.swift.swiftpm/