
How can i filter my search by an boolean atrribute?

如何过滤匹配项?我有这样的结构:点击有一个属性 'like' 它是一个布尔值,我只想显示带有 like===true

 <Configure hitsPerPage={100} />
   <Grid >
     <Grid >
       <Hits hitComponent={Hit} />

在 部分我可以使用过滤器吗?



我尝试使用 <Configure filters="category:secure" hitsPerPage={100} /> 它有效,但是当我尝试使用 bool 属性时它不起作用,这是怎么回事?


使用字段 free_shippingConfigure widget is the way to go for this use case. You have to ensure that the attribute provided is in the list of attributesForFaceting otherwise the filter won't work. Here is an example 是布尔属性。

<InstantSearch searchClient={searchClient} indexName="instant_search">
  <Configure filters="free_shipping:true" />


Go to your dashboard and select your index. Click the Configuration tab. Under the Filtering and Faceting category, click on Facets. In the Attributes for faceting section, click on Add an Attribute and select the attribute you wish to declare for faceting. For each attribute, click the dropdown on the right and set them as “searchable”, “filter only” or “not searchable”. Don’t forget to save your changes this info is from: https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/faceting/how-to/declaring-attributes-for-faceting/

或来自其 api 客户:

  attributesForFaceting: [
}).then(() => {
  // done


Modifiers:# filterOnly: Defines an attribute as filterable only and not facetable.

If you only need the filtering feature, you can take advantage of filterOnly which will reduce the index size and improve the speed of the search.

You cannot define an attribute as both ‘filterOnly’ and ‘searchable’. The following therefore is not doable: filterOnly(searchable(attributeName)).

searchable: Defines an attribute as searchable.


<Configure  filters="like:true" hitsPerPage={100} />