Python: 用 Librosa 索引第一个索引中所有值的数组

Python: Array indexing all the values in first index with Librosa

我正在尝试获取数组的第一个值,但是,当我尝试打印 bandwidth 第一个数组值时,它显示了数组的所有值第一个索引,而不仅仅是第一个值本身。


index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1


import librosa
import librosa.display
import numpy as np

y, sr = librosa.load(filename)
onset_env = librosa.onset.onset_strength(y, sr=sr)
tempo = librosa.beat.tempo(onset_env, sr=sr)
sampleRate = librosa.get_samplerate(filename)
durationValue = librosa.get_duration(y, sr=sr)
duration = round(durationValue, 2)
bandwidth = librosa.feature.spectral_bandwidth(y=y, sr=sr)

print("Tempo: " + str(int(tempo)))
print("Sample Rate: " + str(int(sampleRate)))
print("Duration: " + str(duration))
print("Bandwidth: " + str(bandwidth[0]))


Tempo: 135
Sample Rate: 44100
Duration: 58.99
Bandwidth: [1696.55727753 1607.42642476 1626.93942805 ...  585.00089368 1148.95518802

我发现我遇到的问题是 Numpy 数组,所以我想在第二个值上指定索引值,所以我更改了:

print("Bandwidth: " + str(bandwidth[0]))

print("Bandwidth: " + str(bandwidth[0][0]))


Tempo: 135
Sample Rate: 44100
Duration: 58.99
Bandwidth: 1626.93942804681

我仍在学习 Numpy 数组,但根据我的理解(这很可能是错误的)我需要先 select 哪个数组,然后 selected 中的哪个索引值数组。