Apple 推送通知服务服务器证书更新

Apple Push Notification service server certificate update

On March 29, 2021, token and certificate-based HTTP/2 connections to the Apple Push Notification service must incorporate the new root certificate (AAACertificateServices 5/12/2020) which replaces the old GeoTrust Global CA root certificate. To ensure a seamless transition and to avoid push notification delivery failures, verify that both the old and new root certificates for the HTTP/2 interface are included in the Trust Store of each of your notification servers before March 29.

Note that Apple Push Notification service SSL provider certificates issued to you by Apple do not need be to updated at this time.

我收到了这封关于更新推送通知证书的电子邮件。我已将 FCM (Firebase) 配置为使用 APNs 身份验证密钥发送推送通知。我还没有为推送通知生成任何证书。



Note that Apple Push Notification service SSL provider certificates issued to you by Apple do not need be to updated at this time.

您可以相信 Firebase/Google 已经更新了他们的根证书。 (如果他们不这样做,他们可能会失去数千名客户的信任。)他们拥有电子邮件中提到的 'notification servers'。