
How do I bring instance attributes into a @staticmethod


class coordinates(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z

    def x(self):
        return self.x

    def x(self, x):
        self.x = x

    def y(self):
        return self.y

    def y(self, y):
        self.y = y

    def z(self):
        return self.z

    def z(self, z):
        self.z = z

然后我创建一个子项 class,它将继承坐标,并在其中包含一个静态方法,该方法将使用实例属性,如 x、y 和 z ...,如下所示:

class volume(coordinates):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        super().__init__(x, y, z)
        self.volume = self.calculate_volume()

    def calculate_volume(self):
        return self.x * self.y * self.z

    def goes_through(x, y, z, h, l):
        if x < l and y < h:
            return f"Use surface {x}{y} to go through"
        elif y < l and x < h:
            return f"Use surface {y}{x} to go through"
        elif x < l and z < h:
            return f"Use surface {x}{z} to go through"
        elif z < l and x < h:
            return f"Use surface {z}{x} to go through"
        elif z < l and y < h:
            return f"Use surface {z}{y} to go through"
        elif y < l and z < h:
            return f"Use surface {y}{z} to go through"
            return "Object can't go through"


obj1 = volume(100, 200, 400)
print(obj1.goes_through(obj1.x, obj1.y, obj1.z, 200, 350))


[Previous line repeated 993 more times] RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded



class Obj(object):

    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value

    def value(self):
        return self._value

    def value(self, value):
        self._value = value

不过您不需要这样做。在您的情况下,__init__ 函数就足够了。

问题是您的 getter 和 setter 正在调用自己。当您在构造函数中执行 self.x = x 时,这将调用您的 x setter。然后在你的 x setter 中,你也做 self.x = x。这会再次调用您的 x setter 。这再次调用您的 x setter,依此类推,直到您 运行 超出堆栈中的 space 并且 Python 引发 RecursionError。

您可以删除所有 setters 和 getter,您的代码将正常工作。

class coordinates(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z

或者,您可以使用不同的属性名称将数据存储在您的 getter 和 setter 中,这样它们就不会调用自己。

class coordinates(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self._z = z

    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def x(self, x):
        self._x = x

    def y(self):
        return self._y

    def y(self, y):
        self._y = y

    def z(self):
        return self._z

    def z(self, z):
        self._z = z

但是,如果您没有特殊原因要做这样的事情,首先不使用 getter 和 setters 会更简单。

希望它能在不使用 getter 或 setter 的情况下工作。

class coordinates(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.z = z

class volume(coordinates):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        super().__init__(x, y, z)
        self.volume = self.calculate_volume()

    def calculate_volume(self):
        return self.x * self.y * self.z

    def goes_through(x, y, z, h, l):
        if x < l and y < h:
            return f"Use surface {x}{y} to go through"
        elif y < l and x < h:
            return f"Use surface {y}{x} to go through"
        elif x < l and z < h:
            return f"Use surface {x}{z} to go through"
        elif z < l and x < h:
            return f"Use surface {z}{x} to go through"
        elif z < l and y < h:
            return f"Use surface {z}{y} to go through"
        elif y < l and z < h:
            return f"Use surface {y}{z} to go through"
            return "Object can't go through"

obj1 = volume(100, 200, 400)
print(obj1.goes_through(obj1.x, obj1.y, obj1.z, 200, 350))