python 具有基本身份验证的 aiosmtpd 服务器

python aiosmtpd server with basic authentication

我正在尝试创建 aiosmtpd 服务器来处理收到的电子邮件。 它在没有身份验证的情况下工作得很好,但我就是不知道如何设置身份验证。 我已经浏览了文档并搜索了相关示例。


from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller

class CustomHandler:
    async def handle_DATA(self, server, session, envelope):
        peer = session.peer
        mail_from = envelope.mail_from
        rcpt_tos = envelope.rcpt_tos
        data = envelope.content         # type: bytes
        # Process message data...
        print('peer:' + str(peer))
        print('mail_from:' + str(mail_from))
        print('rcpt_tos:' + str(rcpt_tos))
        print('data:' + str(data))
        return '250 OK'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    handler = CustomHandler()
    controller = Controller(handler, hostname='', port=10025)
    # Run the event loop in a separate thread.
    # Wait for the user to press Return.
    input('SMTP server running. Press Return to stop server and exit.')

which is the basic method from the documentation.

could someone please provide me with an example as to how to do simple authentication?

好的,由于您使用的是1.3.0版本,您可以按照documentation for Authentication.

一个快速开始的方法是在 Authenticator Callback guidelines.

之后创建一个“验证器函数”(可以是处理程序 class 中的一个方法,可以是独立的)


from aiosmtpd.smtp import AuthResult, LoginPassword

auth_db = {
    b"user1": b"password1",
    b"user2": b"password2",
    b"user3": b"password3",

# Name can actually be anything
def authenticator_func(server, session, envelope, mechanism, auth_data):
    # For this simple example, we'll ignore other parameters
    assert isinstance(auth_data, LoginPassword)
    username = auth_data.login
    password = auth_data.password
    # If we're using a set containing tuples of (username, password),
    # we can simply use `auth_data in auth_set`.
    # Or you can get fancy and use a full-fledged database to perform
    # a query :-)
    if auth_db.get(username) == password:
        return AuthResult(success=True)
        return AuthResult(success=False, handled=False)


    controller = Controller(
        authenticator=authenticator_func,  # i.e., the name of your authenticator function
        auth_required=True,  # Depending on your needs