UBI 和 Atomic Base Image 有什么区别

What is the difference between UBI and Atomic Base Image

我的公司是 RHEL 客户,我需要基础容器镜像:

  1. 可移植CI/CD 构建环境
  2. 运行 具有最小依赖性的服务(Go,Java,Python)

查看这 2 个 docker 文件,它们是相同的。在支持模型或维护方面有什么不同吗?



根据 RHEL 的文档

The legacy rhel7-minimal (or rhel7-atomic) and UBI ubi7-minimal images are stripped-down RHEL images to use when a bare-bones base image in desired. RHEL minimal images provide a base for your own container images that is less than half the size of the standard image, while still being able to draw on RHEL software repositories and maintain any compliance requirements your software has.


  • 包括 Microdnf。
  • 不是 YUM。



我个人会选择 UBI-Minimal,但是,我认为您还应该查看 UBI 常见问题解答,以根据您的业务了解每张图片的详细信息、优缺点 - https://developers.redhat.com/articles/ubi-faq#ubi_details