如何在 Mule Data weave 2.0 中进行 XML 转换

How to do XML transformation in Mule Data weave 2.0

我有两个来自数据库的结果集,一个在有效负载中,另一个在另一个变量中。我正在尝试遍历多个结果集以形成 xml。在第二次迭代期间,我需要从第二个结果集中获取多个实体标签。


        "Version": "1.0",
        "ID": "VKP",
        "Password": "VKP",
        "Username": "VKP",
        "id": "123456789",
        "Amount": "1000",
        "StreetAddress": "Oaks Ave"


        "firstname": "Vinoy",
        "lastname" :"VKP"
        "firstname": "Kevin",
        "lastname" :"Peter"


%dw 2.0
output application/xml
fun StreetAddressSizeCheck(data) = if(data != null and sizeOf(data) > 30) data[0 to 29] else data
DRIVERequest @(version : "1.00") : {
    Authentication @(ID : "*****", Password : "******", Username : "******") : null,
    BatchRequest : payload map {
        Mortgage @(id : $.id, Amount : $.Amount) : {
            Property @(StreetAddress : StreetAddressSizeCheck($.StreetAddress)) : null,
            //Below is the place i am trying to add the code to iterate over variabe.
            // If there are multiple objects i need to get as much entries are there in Array.
            vars.borrowerResult map{
                Borrower @(firstname :$.firstname ,lastname : $.lastname) : null, 


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<DRIVERequest version="1.00">
  <Authentication ID="*****" Password="******" Username="******"/>
    <Mortgage id="123456789" Amount="1000">
      <Property StreetAddress="Oaks Ave"/>
      <Borrower firstname="Vinoy" lastname="VKP"/>
      <Borrower firstname="Kevin" lastname="Peter"/>


%dw 2.0
output application/xml
//2nd Result set in Variable 
var borrowerResult= [
    "firstname": "Vinoy",
    "lastname" :"VKP"
    "firstname": "Kevin",
    "lastname" :"Peter"

fun StreetAddressSizeCheck(data) = if(data != null and sizeOf(data) > 30) data[0 to 29] else data
DRIVERequest @(version : "1.00") : {
Authentication @(ID : "*****", Password : "******", Username : "******") : null,
BatchRequest : payload map {
Mortgage @(id : $.id, Amount : $.Amount) : {
  Property @(StreetAddress : StreetAddressSizeCheck($.StreetAddress)) : null,
   (borrowerResult map{
             Borrower @(firstname :$.firstname ,lastname : $.lastname) : null, 


编辑:啊.. Salim 发布了相同的答案。应该刷新页面 :) 我正忙着清理格式嘿嘿。

output application/xml
fun StreetAddressSizeCheck(data) = if(data != null and sizeOf(data) > 30) data[0 to 29] else data
DRIVERequest @(version : "1.00") : {
    Authentication @(ID : "*****", Password : "******", Username : "******") : null,
    BatchRequest : payload map {
        Mortgage @(id : $.id, Amount : $.Amount) : {
            Property @(StreetAddress : StreetAddressSizeCheck($.StreetAddress)) : null,
            (vars.borrowerResult map {
                Borrower @(firstname :$.firstname ,lastname : $.lastname) : null, 
