Laravel Livewire 在 blade 上计算值

Laravel Livewire calculate values on blade

我有一个动态 blade,我将值放在三个文本字段中并将该值存储在数组中。


在我的 Laravel Livewire 控制器中,我有以下代码

public $veriProducts = [];

public function render()
        $products = Product::where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)
            ->orderBy( $this->sortBy, $this->sortAsc ? 'ASC' : 'DESC');
        $products = $products->paginate($this->perPage);

        return view('livewire.products', [
            'items' => $products,


  public function addProduct()
        $this->veriProducts[] = ['price' => '', 'quantity' => ''];

    public function removeProduct($index)
        $this->veriProducts = array_values($this->veriProducts);

这是我的 blade

@foreach ($veriProducts as $index => $orderProduct)
<input type="number" name="veriProducts[{{$index}}][price]" class="border border-gray-300 form-control my-0 p-1 ring-blue-200 rounded-md" wire:model="veriProducts.{{$index}}.price" />
<input type="number" name="veriProducts[{{$index}}][quantity]" class="border border-gray-300 form-control my-0 p-1 ring-blue-200 rounded-md" wire:model="veriProducts.{{$index}}.quantity" />

<input type="number" name="veriProducts[{{$index}}][total]" class="border border-gray-300 form-control my-0 p-1 ring-blue-200 rounded-md" wire:model="veriProducts.{{$index}}.total" />

<input type="number" name="veriProducts[{{$index}}][pl]" class="border border-gray-300 form-control my-0 p-1 ring-blue-200 rounded-md" wire:model="veriProducts.{{$index}}.pl" />


它工作正常我可以添加行并且数组 $veriProducts 也可以正常创建。 在数量文本框失去焦点或其他一些

之后,如何计算总数和 P/L
Total will be

PL will be
20% less then total


假设 PLTotal 不可编辑,我们可以使用更新的钩子并相应地设置 totalpl 值,

    public function updatedVeriProducts()
        $this->veriProducts = collect($this->veriProducts)
               ->map(function ($product) {
                   if ($product['price'] != '' && $product['quantity'] != '') {
                       $total = $product['price'] * $product['quantity'];
                       $product['total'] = round($total, 2);
                       $product['pl'] = round($total * 0.8, 2);
                   return $product;

我使用了 laravel 的 collect 方法来轻松处理数组。


为了避免长小数,我使用 round 函数将其四舍五入到小数点后两位。