
Does google cloud run need load balancing?

我目前正在部署一个前端,该前端将根据 google 云平台上的使用情况动态扩展。朋友建议我使用 google 云 运行。我将 angular 前端构建为 docker 图像,并使用简单的快速服务器部署在 google 云 运行 上。这(据我了解)意味着当 docker 实例之一满足请求阈值时,另一个实例将启动并接受额外的请求。这与负载均衡器有何不同?我是否需要在 google 云 运行 缩放之上使用负载均衡器?

对于我缺乏 devops 知识,我提前表示歉意。

Cloud 运行 为您的应用程序提供 autoscaling, meaning that you don't necessarily need to put a Load Balancer in front of your Cloud run services (which in the case of serverless products in GCP are known as Network Endpoint Groups), as this is done automatically on your behalf: each revision is automatically scaled to the number of container instances needed to handle all incoming requests, and even cooler since it's a scale to zero service the number of instances can reach zero if you are not receiving any requests (be aware that spinning up each new instance does necessarily take some time, which is known as cold starts, so you can always set a value of min_instances to avoid this type of issues). The use of Network Endpoint Groups is more oriented if you'd only have the backend part of your application hosted in Cloud Run, need your Load Balancer to do some sort of special routing and I believe the most wide use will be if you need to have a fixed external IP address