原生 Google 表格中的嵌套 'for' 循环(无脚本)

Nested 'for' loops in native Google Sheets (no scripts)

我知道可以通过以下方式在 Google 表格中模拟 for 循环:

=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN({range_0 to iterate over}),{function_0 for each element in range_0}))


=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN({range_0 to iterate over}),IF(LEN({range_0.1 to iterate over for each parent element in range_0}),{function_0.1 for each element in range_0.1},{OPTIONAL: function_0 for each element in range_0})))

示例应用程序: 为一列中的每一行迭代一行中的每个单元格(见下文;我确信有办法通过其他方法实现此效果,但我已将请求和指定的方法用于单个动态公式的情况需要跟上未知和不断变化的行数、列数和所涉及的函数):


Thing Type Feature Cost
Apple Fruit Seeds
Car Automobile Wheels ,000
Laptop Computer Keyboard 0
Grape Fruit Tastiness [=15=].50


=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(`Thing`),IF(LEN(COLUMNS({current row of `Thing`})),{current cell in current row of `Thing`} & " of column " & COLUMN({*current cell*}) & " and row " & ROW(`Thing`),""),""))


Thing Type Feature Cost
Apple of column 1 and row 3 Fruit of column 2 and row 3 Seeds of column 3 and row 3 of column 4 and row 3
Car of column 1 and row 4 Automobile of column 2 and row 4 Wheels of column 3 and row 4 ,000 of column 4 and row 4
Laptop of column 1 and row 5 Computer of column 2 and row 5 Keyboard of column 3 and row 5 0 of column 4 and row 5
Grape of column 1 and row 6 Fruit of column 2 and row 6 Tastiness of column 3 and row 6 [=16=].50 of column 4 and row 6



=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(LEN(A3:E7), A3:E7&" of column "&COLUMN(A3:E7)&" and row "&ROW(A3:E7), ))