Java 中 toString 方法的实现

Implementation of toString method in Java

当我想打印一个Boolean(引用类型)的空数组时,结果是输出#1.但是当我想打印一个原始布尔类型的空数组时,输出#2就是结果。我知道 Object class 中的 toString() 方法默认是 运行 。该方法的默认实现如下:

this.getClass().getName() + "@" + Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode());

不过有趣的是why Z写在原始类型的输出中然而对于int是I?

public class ToStringApp {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Boolean[] refs = new Boolean[1];
    // output #1: [Ljava.lang.Boolean;@3764951d

    boolean[] prims = new boolean[1];
    // output #2: [Z@4b1210ee

    int[] ints = new int[0];
    // output #3: [I@4d7e1886


ClassgetName() 的 Javadoc 是这么说的:

String java.lang.Class.getName()

Returns the name of the entity (class, interface, array class,primitive type, or void) represented by this Class object,as a String. ... If this class object represents a class of arrays, then the internal form of the name consists of the name of the element type preceded by one or more '[' characters representing the depth of the array nesting. The encoding of element type names is as follows:

Element Type Encoding
boolean Z
byte B
char C
class or interface Lclassname;
double D
float F
int I
long J
short S

如您所见,B 已被 byte 使用,因此 boolean 需要一个不同的字母。