Youtube - 在我解散旧直播之前,新直播不会开始

Youtube - New Livestream does not start until i dismiss old one

我正在使用 restreamer 软件 ( 运行 在 Raspberry Pi 4.

上将视频从 IP 摄像机流式传输到 Youtube

实际上一切正常。但是当流被中断时(无论出于何种原因),只有当我点击 Youtube Studio 中的“关闭”按钮时才会创建新的直播。

但是因为我想自动启动新流,所以我正在寻找一种通过 Youtube API 执行按钮(或相关命令)点击的方法。 我该如何执行?


Something has changed on youtube in the last few days, but the solution to manage a real streaming reconnection is this: from the youtube control room from the manage icon, you need to create a scheduled streaming. Start the encode on this stream and everything will work fine. If the connection drops, youtube will say streaming offline; when the connection is re-established, streaming restarts.