
zsh: Splitting a path that may not have an extension

zsh 脚本中,我想将路径的文件名部分分成三部分:根、. 分隔符(可能不存在)和扩展名。另一个进程将修改片段并将它们重新组合在一起。

确定输入路径是否有 . 比 预期的。到目前为止,这是我找到的最佳答案:

split=( "${path:r}" "${${path#${path:r}}:+.}" "${path:e}" )

它使用zshre参数标志来获取根和扩展; 这些部分运作良好。中间部分更神秘的扩展是 本质上是比较路径根和原始路径。如果他们是 相同,则没有分隔符并且该值设置为空字符串。 否则设置为句点。

似乎应该有比三部分嵌套更简单的选择 代换。有没有我遗漏的标志或简单的东西,或者 SO post 我的搜索没有找到?


testsplit() {
  local path=
  local split=( "${path:r}" "${${path#${path:r}}:+.}" "${path:e}" )

  print "input:    [$path]"
  print "split[${#split}]:" "[${(@)^split}]"

  # tests: does rejoined path match input; is second element '.' or empty
  [[ ${(j::)split} == $path && ${split[2]:-.} == '.' ]]
typeset -a testpaths=(
  "/has/s p aces  /before . after"
integer ecount=0
print '.'
for path in ${testpaths}; do
  testsplit "$path"
  (($?)) && ((++ecount)) && print "=== ERROR ==="
  print '.'
print "Error count: [$ecount]."
((ecount)) && print "=== ERRORS FOUND ==="


input:    [base.ext]
split[3]: [base] [.] [ext]
input:    [endsindot.]
split[3]: [endsindot] [.] []
input:    [no_ext]
split[3]: [no_ext] [] []
input:    [/a.b/c.d/e]
split[3]: [/a.b/c.d/e] [] []
input:    [/a.b/c.d/e.]
split[3]: [/a.b/c.d/e] [.] []
input:    [/a.b/c.d/e.f]
split[3]: [/a.b/c.d/e] [.] [f]
input:    [/has/s p aces  /before . after]
split[3]: [/has/s p aces  /before ] [.] [ after]
input:    [$/*/'and?[sdf]
>       pat.tern[^r`ty&]///*/notreal.d]
split[3]: [$/*/'and?[sdf]
>       pat.tern[^r`ty&]///*/notreal] [.] [d]
Error count: [0].

It seems there should be an easier option than a three-part nested substitution.



% split() { 
  local split=( ":r" "${${1#:r}[1]}" ":e" )
  print "${(q@)split}"
% split foo.orig.c 
foo.orig . c
% split dir.c/foo 
dir.c/foo '' ''