对 table 的 odd/even 行进行不同的样式设置

Styling odd/even rows of a table differently

我有以下 HTML:

<table id="price-table">
            <tr class="price-row">

            <tr class="price-row">

我正在尝试使用以下方法为 class 价格行的每个奇数行设置样式:

#price-table tr.price-row:nth-child(odd) {
    color: green;


#price-table tr.price-row:nth-child(even) {
    color: blue;

然而,只有偶数行被设置样式,奇数行被完全忽略。我不明白这是为什么?难道第一行的 id 为 1 时样式为奇数,而第二行的 id 为 2 时样式为偶数?

我应该提一下,我确实希望这个 table 可以扩展,以便能够添加更多行并正确设置样式。


完整编辑 HTML:

<table id="price-table">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">

您需要删除 tr 中的 select 或,否则它只会 select tr 和那个 class,它们总是偶数在你的 HTML 结构中

tr:nth-child(odd) {
  background-color: green;

tr:nth-child(even) {
  background-color: blue;
<table id="price-table">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">


Thank you for the reply, but my aim is to not style the rows containing "price value"


/* this will select every .price-row that has a TR as immediate previous sibling*/

tr+.price-row {
  background-color: green;

/*this will select every .price-row after the other .price-row */

.price-row~.price-row {
  background: blue
<table id="price-table">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">


Thanks for the updated answer. However this only appears to style the first row after the first "price-row" row. After that no other odd rows which have the class "price-row" are styled as odd, only even?

您可以像下面那样使用 nth-child()

tr:nth-child(2n+2) {
  background: red

tr:nth-child(4n+2) {
  background: blue
<table id="price-table">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">
  <tr class="price-row">