我如何组织 GTK 程序?

How do i organize a GTK program?

我有一个名为 create_interface 的函数。在该函数中是打开菜单按钮的信号处理程序(菜单是在 create_interface 中创建的)。我想传递 window 小部件并传递树视图小部件,因为当您打开文件时,树视图中的条目应该显示出来。我尝试将它们作为结构传递,但是,尽管它有效,但 GTK 生成了一些错误消息。

// This is global.
struct everything
                GtkWidget *window;
                GtkWidget *tree_view;

GtkWidget *create_interface (void)
        struct everything instance;
        struct everything *widgets;
        widgets = &instance;
        ...code here...

        g_signal_connect(file_mi_open_file_dialog, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(open_file_dialog), widgets);

函数 open_file_dialog 如下所示:

void open_file_dialog (GtkWidget *wid, gpointer data)
        struct everything *sample_name = data;
        ...rest of code here...


I tried passing them as a struct, but, although its works, GTK generates some error messages.

问题是您正在尝试使用堆栈分配的结构,它在 create_interface() 函数完成后变得无效,而您通常希望这些值在以后仍然有效及时(例如,当调用 open_file_dialog() 时。

I was wondering if there was another way of organizing a program so you do not have to have global variables.


另一种解决方案是在堆上分配您的“闭包”(即您在创建回调时要捕获的变量),并在完成后释放它。如果您将字段保存在 GObject 中,GLib 甚至可以通过调用 g_signal_connect_data() (or g_signal_connect_object() 来帮助您)

// Technically you don't need the typedef
typedef struct _ClickedClosure {
    GtkWidget *window;
    GtkWidget *treeview;
} ClickedClosure;

GtkWidget *create_interface (void)
    // Note that the g_new0 allocates on the heap instead of using the stack
    ClickedClosure *closure = g_new0 (ClickedClosure, 1);

    // code here to initialize your window/treeview ...

    // put the widgets in the closure
    closure->window = my_window;
    closure->treeview = treeview;

    // Connect to the signal
    g_signal_connect_data(file_mi_open_file_dialog, "clicked",
                          G_CALLBACK(open_file_dialog), closure, g_free, 0);

void open_file_dialog (GtkWidget *wid, gpointer data)
    // Since this was allocated on the heap, this is still valid
    ClickedClosure *sample_name = data;

    // code handling here ...

很多时候,使用 GTK 的开发人员所做的是,他们已经在使用自己的 GObject classes/objects,然后他们可以将其与 g_signal_connect_object() 一起使用,或者通过 [= 手动释放它16=] 之后。然后使用 GObject 还允许您进行运行时类型检查转换,以确保您的闭包具有正确的类型。