Oracle PLSQL - 选择具有最大值的行

Oracle PLSQL - Selecting Row with Max Value


( a , #$@$ , $$ , 3 )
( c , ###$ , ## , 0 )
( a , #@$# , !! , 2 )
( b , #@## , $$ , 0 )


( a , #$@$ , $$ , 3 )
( c , ###$ , ## , 0 )
( b , #@## , $$ , 0 )

这是基于按第 1 列分组并独立于其他列(2 和 3)选择第 4 列中具有最大值的行。




SQL> select * from test order by col1, col4;

COL1  COL2  COL3        COL4
----- ----- ----- ----------
a     #@$#  !!             2
a     #$@$  $$             3
b     #@$$  $$             0
c     ###$  ##             0


SQL> select col1, col2, col3, col4
  2  from (select col1, col2, col3, col4,
  3          row_number() over (partition by col1 order by col4 desc) rn
  4        from test
  5       )
  6  where rn = 1
  7  order by col1;

COL1  COL2  COL3        COL4
----- ----- ----- ----------
a     #$@$  $$             3
b     #@$$  $$             0
c     ###$  ##             0


不使用子查询,您可以使用 keep dense_rank 函数(它的聚合版本),如下所示:

with your_table (col1, col2, col3, col4) as (
select 'a', '#$@$' , '$$' , 3 from dual union all
select 'c', '###$' , '##' , 0 from dual union all
select 'a', '#@$#' , '!!' , 2 from dual union all
select 'b', '#@##' , '$$' , 0 from dual
select col1
, max(col2)keep(dense_rank first order by col4 desc)col2
, max(col3)keep(dense_rank first order by col4 desc)col3
, max(col4)keep(dense_rank first order by col4 desc)col4
from your_table t
group by col1