你能检查一下我对 lua 堆栈的理解是正确的吗?

Can you check what I understood about lua stack is right?




-- lua
Enemy = {
  HP    = 30,
  SPEED = 8,
  POWER = 10

这是我的 cpp 代码。 它将访问 Enemy table 和每个值。

lua_getglobal(L, "Enemy");

    Current virtual stack
    [1] or [-1] Enemy table

lua_pushstring(L, "HP");

    Current virtual stack
    [2] or [-1] "HP"
    [1] or [-2] Enemy table

lua_gettable(L, 1); // pop key("HP") and push Enemy["HP"]

    Current virtual stack
    [2] or [-1] 30(Enemy["HP"])
    [1] or [-2] Enemy table

// using the 30
double dHP = lua_tonumber(L, -1);

// I think that a top of the stack which is 30 will be pop.  
lua_pop(L, -1);  

    Current virtual stack
    [1] or [-1] Enemy table

lua_pushstring(L, "SPEED");

    Current virtual stack
    [2] or [-1] "SPEED"
    [1] or [-2] Enemy table

lua_gettable(L, -2);

    Current virtual stack
    [2] or [-1] 8(Enemy["SPEED"])
    [1] or [-2] Enemy table

// when I use a top of the stack, VS throws the error.
// lua error said that I'm attempting index a nil value. 
double dSpeed = lua_tonumber(L, -1);


lua_pop(L, n) 从堆栈中弹出 n 个元素。
所以,lua_pop(L, -1); 不是你想要的。