
Recursive count in JS what happen after reaching 0?



function countup(n) {
  if (n < 1) {
    return [];
  } else {
    const countArray = countup(n - 1);
    return countArray;

console.log(countup(5)); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

我理解的最简单的部分是用 n-1 调用函数直到它达到 0 然后将 [] 推到 countArray 常量。

但后来我明白了它是如何将 1 然后 2,然后 3 等作为 n = 0 到 countArray 常量的,然后什么都不应该发生,因为不再调用该函数。



function function1(a,b)
let result1 = function2(a,b);
return result1 + a + b;

function function2(a,b){
let result2 = function3(a,b);
return result2 * a * b;

function function3(a,b){
let result3 = function4(a,b);
return result3 - a - b;

function function4(a,b){return a/b}


// It will work like this :-
function1 gets called with a=2,b=4

function2 gets called with a=2,b=4

function3 gets called with a=2,b=4

function4 gets called with a=2,b=4 and doesn't call anymore function inside. Evaluates a/b = 4/2 = 2 and returns 2 back to point inside function3 where it was called

Now function 3 evaluates 2 - 2 - 4 = -4 and returns -4 back to point inside function 2 where it was called

Now function 2 evaluates -4 * 2 * 4 = -32 and returns -32 back to point inside function 1 where it was called

Now function 1 evaluates -32 + 2 + 4  = -26 and returns -26 back to point where it was called which was inside console.log




空数组 [] 返回到 countArray,其中 n 为 1。

所以 for n=1, [].push(1) 发生了,现在这个数组返回到 countArray 其中 n 是 2 .

所以 for n=2[1].push(2) 发生了,现在这个数组返回到 countArray,其中 n 是 3.

这一直持续到 n=5 一切开始,这也是您记录最终结果的地方。

关键是所有这一切都是在从 n=0 回溯到 n=5 而不是从上到下回溯时发生的。
