
getting all the possible permutation of cards between several players

我正在尝试获得 3 名玩家之间所有可能的 n 牌交易,其中每个玩家 i 恰好需要 n_i 牌,而一些玩家无法获得一些卡片数量。

例如,假设有4张牌:Ac,Jh,9d,2s,玩家N,E,S分别需要1,1,2张牌,但是N拿不到Ac, S 无法得到 Jh.


List<Card> unplayedCards
Map<Position, Integer> numberOfCardsEachPlayerNeeds
Map<Card, List<Position>> possiblePositionsForCard


List<Map<Position, List<Card>>>

我正在用 Java 写作,但答案是哪种语言并不重要。

使用递归算法最容易做到这一点。 Python-类似伪代码:

function possible_deals(players, cards):
  output := []
  generate_deals(players, cards, 0, {}, output)
  return output

function generate_deals(players, cards, index, assignment, output):
  if index >= len(cards):
    card := cards[index]
    for player in players:
      if player doesn't have enough cards yet and player can have card:
        assignment[card] = player
        generate_deals(players, cards, index + 1, assignment, output)
        del assignment[card]

我们假设 assignmentoutput 的传递引用语义,以便递归函数调用可以修改它们。

output 列表中的每个条目都包含一张从纸牌到玩家的地图。由此,很容易重建手。

根据@Thomas 的回答制作了一个 Java 版本。

static List<Map<Position, CardsList>> getAllPossibleDeals(CardsList cards, Map<Position, Integer> cardsPerPosition,
                                                          Map<Card, List<Position>> positionsPerCard, List<Card> unplayedCardsOrderedByPossibilities) {

    List<Map<Position, CardsList>> possibleDeals = new ArrayList(); // all the deals
    Map<Position, CardsList> assignment = new HashMap<>(); // a single deal.
    generateDeals(cards, cardsPerPosition, positionsPerCard, possibleDeals, 0, assignment); 
    return possibleDeals;

private static void generateDeals(CardsList cards, Map<Position, Integer> cardsPerPosition, Map<Card, List<Position>> positionsPerCard,
                                  List<Map<Position, CardsList>> possibleDeals, int i, Map<Position, CardsList> assignment) {

    if (i >= cards.size()){
        Map<Position, CardsList> assignmentCopy = deepCopyMap(assignment);
    else {
        Card card = cards.get(i);
        for (Position pos : positionsPerCard.get(card)) {
            if (assignment.get(pos) == null || cardsPerPosition.get(pos) > assignment.get(pos).size()){
                // position can have the card
                assignment.computeIfAbsent(pos, k -> new CardsList()).add(card);
                generateDeals(cards, cardsPerPosition, positionsPerCard, possibleDeals, i+1, assignment);