cli s3 在存储桶之间同步 returns NoSuchTagSetError

cli s3 syncing between buckets returns NoSuchTagSetError

这是我在同步时所做的(芥末配置,策略操作包含 s3:PutObjects3:PutObjectAcls3:GetObjects3:DeleteObject,所有文件都是 public 除了 s3://backup-bucket/):

docker run --rm -it \
  -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \
  amazon/aws-cli s3 sync \
  s3://source-bucket/ \
  s3://backup-bucket/ \
  --profile wasabi \


copy failed: s3://source-bucket/sample.txt to s3://backup-bucket/sample.txt
An error occurred (NoSuchTagSetError) when calling the GetObjectTagging
operation: There is no tag set associated with the bucket.


--copy-props (string) Determines which properties are copied from the source S3 object.

If --metadata-directive is set, the --copy-props parameter will be disabled and will have no affect on the transfer.