Javascript 页面自动上下滚动
Javascript page scrolls automatically up and down
do {
$('body,html').animate({scrollTop: 2650}, 57820);
$('body,html').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 35000);
while (true === true);
Javascript代码主要是asynchronous。这对您来说意味着浏览器是 运行 快速“转到顶部”和“转到底部”代码。从而使您的浏览器崩溃。你想要的是等到滚动到底部完成,然后滚动到顶部。这是一个可以满足您要求的示例。
// Getting a reference to html. The way you did it in the loop
// is slow because it has to get access to it every time.
const main = $('html');
// The scrollTop function
// scrolls to the top
function scrollTop() {
console.log('scrolling to top')
main.animate({scrollTop: 0},1000,"linear",scrollBottom /* this is a callback it means when we are done scrolling to the top, scroll to the bottom */)
function scrollBottom() {
console.log('scrolling to bottom')
main.animate({scrollTop: document.body.offsetHeight},1000,"linear",scrollTop /* this is a callback it means when we are done scrolling to the bottom, scroll to the top */)
// this kicks it off
// again only running $(document).ready once to increase performance.
// Once scrollTop completes, it calls scrollBottom, which in turn calls scrollTop and so on
Javascript 不会等到一个函数完成,所以你不能创建这样的循环。但是您可以利用 jquery.animate 完整的功能:
$(document).ready(scrollDown()); //run function first time
function scrollUp() {
scrollTop: 0
}, 35000, "linear",
scrollDown//we are on the top, let's go down
return false;
function scrollDown() {
scrollTop: $(document).height()
}, 57820, "linear",
scrollUp//scrolling down is completed, let's go up
do {
$('body,html').animate({scrollTop: 2650}, 57820);
$('body,html').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 35000);
while (true === true);
Javascript代码主要是asynchronous。这对您来说意味着浏览器是 运行 快速“转到顶部”和“转到底部”代码。从而使您的浏览器崩溃。你想要的是等到滚动到底部完成,然后滚动到顶部。这是一个可以满足您要求的示例。
// Getting a reference to html. The way you did it in the loop
// is slow because it has to get access to it every time.
const main = $('html');
// The scrollTop function
// scrolls to the top
function scrollTop() {
console.log('scrolling to top')
main.animate({scrollTop: 0},1000,"linear",scrollBottom /* this is a callback it means when we are done scrolling to the top, scroll to the bottom */)
function scrollBottom() {
console.log('scrolling to bottom')
main.animate({scrollTop: document.body.offsetHeight},1000,"linear",scrollTop /* this is a callback it means when we are done scrolling to the bottom, scroll to the top */)
// this kicks it off
// again only running $(document).ready once to increase performance.
// Once scrollTop completes, it calls scrollBottom, which in turn calls scrollTop and so on
Javascript 不会等到一个函数完成,所以你不能创建这样的循环。但是您可以利用 jquery.animate 完整的功能:
$(document).ready(scrollDown()); //run function first time
function scrollUp() {
scrollTop: 0
}, 35000, "linear",
scrollDown//we are on the top, let's go down
return false;
function scrollDown() {
scrollTop: $(document).height()
}, 57820, "linear",
scrollUp//scrolling down is completed, let's go up