PassthroughSubject 完成完成未调用

PassthroughSubject completion finished not called

我正在尝试使用 Combine 与 CoreBluetooth 通信,但未调用 PassthroughSubject 的完成处理程序。您可以在下面看到代码的粗略布局。 DetailViewModel 包含蓝牙外围设备和要发送的数据。

final class DetailViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject, CBPeripheralDelegate {
    // Called when the correct write characteristic is found
    private var writeCharacteristicReceived = PassthroughSubject<CBCharacteristic, Never>()
    // Used to send and listen for peripheral data
    private var bluetoothDidChange = PassthroughSubject<Data, Error>()

    func open() -> AnyPublisher<Data, Error> {
        writeCharacteristicReceived.tryMap { characteristic -> AnyPublisher<Data, Error> in
            print("Write char", characteristic)

            let data: Data = try constructPayload()

            self.peripheral?.writeValue(data, for: characteristic, type: .withoutResponse)

            return self.bluetoothDidChange.eraseToAnyPublisher()

    func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
        print("Did update value", characteristic.value ?? Data())
        guard let value = characteristic.value, value.count >= 84 else { return }

        defer {
            // Never called
            bluetoothDidChange.send(completion: .finished)

        do {
            let message: Data = try parse(value)
            // Never called when placed here either
            // bluetoothDidChange.send(completion: .finished)
        } catch {
            bluetoothDidChange.send(completion: .failure(error))

然后我在视图本身中监听这些变化,如下所示 { (completion) in
    print("Open completion: \(completion)")
}, receiveValue: { (payload) in
    print("Open payload \(payload)")
}).store(in: &cancellable)

现在,这对于时不时地接收值来说工作正常,并且在发生错误时正确调用完成块。但是我从来没有得到完成的完成处理程序,即使我专门做 send(completion: .finished) 也没有。谁能帮帮我?

writeCharacteristicReceived.send(completion: .finished) 从未被调用相关的问题。将其添加到委托调用的函数中解决了问题。

func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverDescriptorsFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
    if let error = error {
        writeCharacteristicDiscovered.send(completion: .failure(error))
    writeCharacteristicDiscovered.send(completion: .finished)