
T-sql: calculate sum of factors when quantity of factors can differ from time to time

你能帮我开发计算客户评级的算法吗? 初始数据集和理想结果在下面的代码中。谢谢。

逻辑: 我们有客户和 6 个因素(值为 1 或 0(存在或不存在))。


1(最大速率)- 客户拥有所有因素

2 - 客户有因子 1-5 而没有因子 6

3 - 客户有因子 1-4 而没有因子 5(因子 6 无关紧要)

4 - 客户有因素 1-3 而没有因素 4(因素 5-6 无关紧要)

5 - 客户有因素 1-2 而没有因素 3(因素 4-6 无关紧要)

6 - 客户有因素 1 而没有因素 2(因素 3-6 无关紧要)

7 - 客户没有因素 1(因素 2-6 无关紧要)


drop table if exists #tmp;

create TABLE #tmp (
[client] [nvarchar] null,
    [factor1] [int] NULL,
    [factor2] [int] NULL,
    [factor3] [int] NULL,
    [factor4] [int] NULL,
    [factor5] [int] NULL,
    [factor6] [int] null,
    [desirable_result] [int] NULL

insert into #tmp (
select '1', 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 union all
select '2', 1,1,0,1,1,1,5 union all
select '3', 1,0,1,1,0,1,6 union all
select '4', 1,1,1,1,1,0,2 union all
select '5', 1,1,1,0,0,1,4

此解决方案有效,但前提是因子数始终相等。 关键是因素的数量可能会不时发生变化。

select *
, "factor1" + "factor2" + "factor3" + "factor4" + "factor5" + "factor6" sum_6
, "factor1" + "factor2" + "factor3" + "factor4" + "factor5" sum_5
, "factor1" + "factor2" + "factor3" + "factor4" sum_4
, "factor1" + "factor2" + "factor3" sum_3
, "factor1" + "factor2" sum_2
, "factor1" sum_1
into #tmp2
from #tmp

select * 
, case when sum_6 = 6 then 1 else 
(case when sum_5 = 5 and sum_6 < 6 then 2 else 
(case when sum_4 = 4 and sum_5 < 5 then 3 else 
(case when sum_3 = 3 and sum_4 < 4 then 4 else 
(case when sum_2 = 2 and sum_3 < 3 then 5 else 
(case when sum_1 = 1 and sum_2 < 2 then 6 else 
end rate

您可以尝试使用 CASE WHEN

select case 
    when  [factor1] = 1 
        AND [factor2] = 1 
        AND [factor3] = 1 
        AND [factor4] = 1
        AND [factor5] = 1 
        AND [factor6] = 1
    then 'ALL6'
    when  [factor1] = 1 
        AND [factor2] = 1 
        AND [factor3] = 1 
        AND [factor4] = 1
        AND [factor5] = 1 
    then 'FIRST5'
    when  [factor1] = 1 
        AND [factor2] = 1 
        AND [factor3] = 1 
        AND [factor4] = 1
    then 'FIRST4'

    when  [factor1] = 1 
    then 'ONLy1'     END client_rate 
from my_table 


您可以像 scaisEdge 演示的那样使用 CASE WHEN ...

我这里的是 UNPIVOT table 使用 CROSS APPLY 然后使用 SUM()CASE 来锻炼必要的逻辑

select  t.client, 
        case    when    sum(f.fval) = 6 then 1
                when    sum(f.fval) = 5 
                and     sum(case when f.fno  = 6 then f.fval end) = 0 then 2
                when    sum(case when f.fno <= 4 then f.fval end) = 4 
                and     sum(case when f.fno  = 5 then f.fval end) = 0 then 3
                when    sum(case when f.fno <= 3 then f.fval end) = 3 
                and     sum(case when f.fno  = 4 then f.fval end) = 0 then 4
                when    sum(case when f.fno <= 2 then f.fval end) = 2 
                and     sum(case when f.fno  = 3 then f.fval end) = 0 then 5
                when    sum(case when f.fno  = 1 then f.fval end) = 1 
                and     sum(case when f.fno  = 2 then f.fval end) = 0 then 6
                when    sum(case when f.fno  = 1 then f.fval end) = 0 then 7
from    #tmp t
        cross apply
            (1, factor1),
            (2, factor2),
            (3, factor3),
            (4, factor4),
            (5, factor5),
            (6, factor6)
        ) f (fno, fval)
group by t.client, t.[desirable_result]
order by t.client