有没有办法在一个单元格中使用 5 种不同的数字格式,或者编写 VBA 脚本来根据值生成数字格式?

Is there a way to do 5 different number formats in one cell or write VBA script to produce a number format based on the value?


>=100 的数字不应该有任何小数位,>=10 应该有一位小数(即使它是零),>=1 应该有两位小数(即使最后一位是零), 0.999-0.001 应该有三位小数(即使最后一位是零),0.0009-0.0001 应该有四位小数,同样不管最后一位小数是多少。

所以基本上我需要一个代码或方法来查看一个数字并给我那些特定的小数位。我知道我可以单独格式化它们,但我们正在谈论我要格式化的成千上万个数字。我试过使用 round 函数,但它不会给我尾随零。


=IF(VLOOKUP($A,'Copied Data'!$A:$FL0,23)>'Copied Data'!U,IF('Copied Data'!W16<0.001,ROUND('Copied Data'!W16,4),IF('Copied Data'!W16>=0.001,ROUND('Copied Data'!W16,3),IF('Copied Data'!W16>0.999,ROUND('Copied Data'!W16,2),IF('Copied Data'!W16>9.999,ROUND('Copied Data'!W16,1),IF('Copied Data'!W16>99.999,ROUND('Copied Data'!W16,0)," "))))),"<"&IF('Copied Data'!U<0.001,ROUND('Copied Data'!U,4),IF('Copied Data'!U>=0.0001,ROUND('Copied Data'!U,3),IF('Copied Data'!U>0.999,ROUND('Copied Data'!U,2),IF('Copied Data'!U>9.999,ROUND('Copied Data'!U,1),IF('Copied Data'!U>99.999,ROUND('Copied Data'!U,0)," "))))))



Dim rng As Range, c As Range, op, v

Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A100") 'for example, or = Selection

For Each c In rng.Cells
    v = Trim(c.Value)
    If Len(v) > 0 Then
        'if the value has a modifier, remove it
        op = ""
        If v Like ">*" Or v Like "<*" Then
            op = Left(v, 1)
            v = Trim(Right(v, Len(v) - 1))
        End If
        If IsNumeric(v) Then
            v = CDbl(v)
            If v > 0.0001 And v <= 0.00099 Then
                c.Value = v
                c.NumberFormat = op & "[format1]" 'include any modifier in the format
            ElseIf v > 0.001 And v <= 0.999 Then
                c.Value = v
                c.NumberFormat = op & "[format2]"
                'you should probably include a general format so all
                ' cells which might have modifiers get the same treatment
            End If
            'add other cases as needed
        End If
    End If

Next c

其中 [format1] 等是您从宏录制中获得的格式

请注意,此后任何修饰符都不再是单元格值的一部分 - 它们仅存在于单元格格式中。这意味着您可以将单元格用作数字,但取决于您最终需要做什么,它可能合适也可能不合适。


c.Value = Application.Text(v, op & "0.0000")