为什么我不能获得链表以从 C 中的函数传回?

Why can't I get a linked list to pass back from a function in C?

我正在尝试通过将指针传递到列表的头部来在函数内部创建一个链表。在函数内部,一切正常。但是当我回到 main() 时,指针突然变为 NULL。因此,如果我再次调用该函数,它就像我再次第一次添加节点一样。


struct course
    int c_ID;
    char *c_name;
    struct course *c_next;

void new_course(struct course *c_head, struct course *c_tail); // adds a node

int main ( )
    // variable declarations
    int choice;
    char y_n;

    // create linked lists
    struct course *c_head = NULL;
    struct course *c_tail = NULL;

    // print out menu, obtain choice, call appropriate function; loop if desired
               " 1. Add a new course\n\n"
               "Enter the number of the menu option you wish to choose: ");
        scanf("%d", &choice);

        switch (choice)
            case 1:
                new_course(c_head, c_tail);
                if (c_tail == NULL)
                    printf("We're screwed.\n"); // this excecutes every time

        printf("Would you like to return to the main menu? Enter y for yes, n for no: ");
        scanf(" %c", &y_n);

    } while (y_n != 'n' && y_n != 'N');

    // free courses
    struct course *c_temp = NULL;
    c_temp = c_head;
    while (c_temp != NULL)
        c_head = c_head->c_next;
        c_temp->c_ID = 0;     // reinitialize the student ID
        c_temp->c_name[0] = '[=10=]'; // reinitialize the student name string
        free(c_temp->c_name);     // return the string memory to the system
        free(c_temp);         // return the node memory to the system
        c_temp = c_head;      // set temp to next item in the list

    return 0;

void new_course(struct course *c_head, struct course *c_tail)
    // declare variables
    int ID;
    char name[50];

    // obtain user input
    printf("Enter the course ID number and the course name, separated by a space: ");
    scanf("%d%s", &ID, name);

    if(c_head == NULL) // no courses yet
        c_head = (struct course *) malloc(sizeof(struct course)); // allocate memory for c_head
        c_head->c_next = NULL;
        c_tail = c_head; // update c_tail
    else // the list already has nodes
        c_tail->c_next = (struct course *) malloc(sizeof(struct course)); // allocate memory for new node
        c_tail = c_tail->c_next; // update c_tail
        c_tail->c_next = NULL;

    c_tail->c_ID = ID; // assign ID to c_ID component of new node
    c_tail->c_name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(name) + 1); // allocate memory for c_name component of new node
    strcpy(c_tail->c_name, name); // assign name to c_name component of new node
    printf("%d = %d, %s = %s\n", c_head->c_ID, ID, c_tail->c_name, name); // this always works, proving the list was created and the assignments worked


C 使用按值传递函数参数传递。


void new_course(struct course *c_head, struct course *c_tail)


new_course(c_head, c_tail);


如果您必须从 new_course() 更改 c_headc_tail,您需要传递一个指向它们的指针,即指向指针的指针。

否则,您还有另一种选择来处理这种情况。如果你想简单地传递指针并从函数中更改指针本身,你需要 return 函数中修改后的指针并将其收集到你用作参数的同一个变量(并在功能)。然后,更改将 反映在调用函数中


  1. see why not to castmalloc()和家人C的return值。
  2. sizeof(char)保证在C中是1。乘以相同是多余的,可以避免。
  3. main()的推荐签名是int main(void)

在C语言中,一切都是按值传递的,包括指针。调用者上下文中 c_headc_tail 的值不能被 new_course 修改。为此,您的函数签名需要如下所示:

void new_course(struct course **c_head, struct course **c_tail)

在整个 new_course 中,您需要参考 *c_head*c_tail,如:

*c_head = (*c_head)->c_next;


new_course(&c_head, &c_tail);

您需要将指针传递给指针,以便您可以更改 c_head 和 c_tail 的值。


new_course(&c_head, &c_tail);


void new_course(struct course **c_head, struct course **c_tail)

    if((*c_head) == NULL) // no courses yet
        (*c_head) = (struct course *) malloc(sizeof(struct course)); 


