Error : Heap block at X modified

Error : Heap block at X modified

我试图对结构使用析构函数。但是,编译器报错Heap block at 006651F8 modified at 00665229 past requested size of 29 gift1.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

    #include "stdafx.h"

    struct Node{
        char *name;
        int age;

        Node(char *n = 0, int a = 0){
            this->name = _strdup(n);
            age = a;

            if (this->name != 0)
                delete[] this->name;

    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

        Node node1("Andy", 20);
        return 0;


如果我使用 name 而不是 this->name 有关系吗?


即使我按照以下答案的建议将其更改为 free(this->name);,也会出现相同的错误。 Heap block at 00EA68D8 modified at 00EA6909 past requested size of 29 gift1.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

_strdup 在内部使用 malloc()

The _strdup function calls malloc to allocate storage space for a copy of strSource and then copies strSource to the allocated space.

但您正在使用 delete[] 解除分配:

Deallocates storage previously allocated by a matching operator new... If the pointer passed to the standard library deallocation function was not obtained from the corresponding standard library allocation function, the behavior is undefined.

要解决,请使用 std::string 而不是 char*(或者如果您确实不能使用 std::string,请使用 free() 并防止复制或为 [=19 实施复制=]).

如果您检查 the documentation for _strdup (aka strdup),您会看到它在内部使用 malloc 来分配字符串,因此必须通过调用 free 而不是 [=14] 来释放内存=].