如何在 Actor 的同一线程内获取 http.singleRequest(httpRequest) 的 Httpresponse?

How to get the Httpresponse of http.singleRequest(httpRequest) inside the same thread on an Actor?

我有一个 Actor,它使用 httpRequest => http.singleRequest(httpRequest).pipeTo(self) 在一条 case BidRequest 消息中发送 HTTP POST 请求。参与者在另一个 case HttpResponse 消息中接收到 httpResponse。在第二条 case HttpResponse 消息中,我想更改第一个 case BidRequest 消息将发回的变量。因为消息是异步处理的,所以当我在第二条消息上编辑变量时,第一条消息已经发回了旧状态的变量。

我想我需要以某种方式使用 akka.pattern.ask 来不让消息到达另一个 case HttpResponse,但保持原样 case BidRequest 以便我可以编辑变量到位。

object AuctionClientActor {
  def props(bidders: List[String]) = { Props(new AuctionClientActor(bidders)) }

class AuctionClientActor(bidders: List[String])
  extends Actor with ActorLogging
    with BidJsonProtocol with SprayJsonSupport {

  import context.dispatcher

  implicit val system = context.system
  val http = Http(system)

  var bidOffer: BidOffer = BidOffer("", 0, "")

  def receive = {
    case bidRequest@BidRequest(requestId, bid) =>
      val content = bidRequest.bid.toJson.toString

      val latch = new CountDownLatch(bidders.size)

      val listResponseFuture: List[Future[HttpResponse]] = bidders
        .map(bidder =>
          HttpRequest( // create the request
            uri = Uri(bidder), // uri = Uri("http://localhost:8081"),
            entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, content)
        // IF I USE pipeTo HERE THE HttpResponse WILL GO TO ANOTHER CASE
        .map(httpRequest => http.singleRequest(httpRequest).pipeTo(self)) // send the request

      listResponseFuture.foreach { response =>
        Await.result(response, 3 seconds)
        response.onComplete {
          case Success(value) => latch.countDown // println(s"response success: $value")
          case Failure(exception) =>
            println(s"response failure: $exception")
      latch.await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
      println("sending response now... BUT bidOffer WAS EDITED IN ANOTHER case thread")
      sender() ! Some(bidOffer.content)
      bidOffer = BidOffer("", 0, "")
    case resp@HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, headers, entity, _) =>
      log.info(s"received HttpResponse OK(200): $resp")
      entity.dataBytes.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _).foreach { body =>
        println("Got response, body: " + body.utf8String)
        val newBidOffer = BidOfferConverter.getBidOffer(body.utf8String)
        // I SHOULD NOT EDIT bidOffer HERE. INSTEAD I NEED TO EDIT bidOffer ON THE case BidRequest
        if (bidOffer.bid == 0) {
          bidOffer = BidOffer(newBidOffer.id, newBidOffer.bid, newBidOffer.content.replace("$price$", newBidOffer.bid.toString))
        } else if (newBidOffer.bid > bidOffer.bid) {
          println("replace new")
          bidOffer = BidOffer(newBidOffer.id, newBidOffer.bid, newBidOffer.content.replace("$price$", newBidOffer.bid.toString))
        } else {
    case resp@HttpResponse(code, _, _, _) =>
      log.info(s"Request failed, response code: $code")

我正在查看此 answer 以将 List[Future] 转换为 Future[List],但是当我这样做时,我创建了 Future[List[Any]] 而不是 HttpResponse 了。

下一个代码片段: 所以我试着按照你说的方式做,但我正在创建一个 List[Future[Future[String]]]。如果我只有一个主机来执行请求,那很容易。但是因为我可以有 1、2 或 3 个请求,所以我创建了一个列表并且代码变得复杂。再加上来自 akka-streamrunFold 创建另一个 Future。你能提示一下如何按照你所说的方式实现它吗?

      val responseListFuture: List[Future[Future[String]]] = bidders.map { bidder =>
        HttpRequest( // create the request
          uri = Uri(bidder), // uri = Uri("http://localhost:8081 | 8082 | 8083"),
          entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, content)
        .map { httpRequest =>
          http.singleRequest(httpRequest).pipeTo(self) // this creates the first Future
            .map { httpResponse =>
              println(s"response: $httpResponse")
              // this creates the second Future
              httpResponse.entity.dataBytes.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _).map { body =>
                println("Got response, body: " + body.utf8String)
                // BidOfferConverter.getBidOffer(body.utf8String)

简短的回答是你不能,除非在 receive 中阻塞,这是一个主要的禁忌。


如果这就是您想要的,那么采取的方法是 map 未来将其转换为消息,其中包含构建响应所需的信息。这样做,您甚至可能不需要 bidOffer 变量。

Future.sequence 会将 Seq[Future[A]](以及其他集合类型)折叠成 Future[Seq[A]](如果任何期货失败则失败:这可能不是您要找的,在这种情况下,Future 伴随对象中的其他组合器可能更符合您的要求)。

我必须把它放在运行。我还使用 TryOptiongetOrElse 以防某些服务器出现故障。所以我还是发了一个HttpResponse回来。为了完整起见,我将在这里留下答案。如果有人有更好的方法,我很乐意重新考虑。

class AuctionClientActor(bidders: List[String])
  extends Actor with ActorLogging
    with BidJsonProtocol with SprayJsonSupport {

  import context.dispatcher

  implicit val system = context.system
  val http = Http(system)

  def receive = {
    case bidRequest@BidRequest(requestId, bid) =>
      log.info(s"received bid request: $bidRequest")
      val content = bidRequest.bid.toJson.toString
        .replace("[[", "{")
        .replace("]]", "}")
        .replace("\",\"", "\": \"")
        .replace("[", "")
        .replace("]", "")

      val responseListFuture = bidders.map { bidder =>
        HttpRequest( // create the request
          uri = Uri(bidder),
          entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, content)
        .map { httpRequest =>
          val httpResponseFuture = http.singleRequest(httpRequest).pipeTo(self) // this creates the first Future[HttpResponse]
          Await.ready(httpResponseFuture, 5 seconds)
        }.filter(httpResponse => httpResponse.status == StatusCodes.OK)
        .map { httpResponse =>
          println(s"response: $httpResponse")
          val bidOfferFuture = httpResponse.entity.dataBytes.runFold(ByteString(""))(_ ++ _).map { body =>
            println("Got response, body: " + body.utf8String)
          Await.ready(bidOfferFuture, 5 seconds)
          bidOfferFuture.value.get.getOrElse(BidOffer("", 0, ""))
      responseListFuture.foreach { bidOffer =>
        println(s"bidOffer: ${bidOffer.id}, ${bidOffer.bid}, ${bidOffer.content}")
      val bidOfferWinner = responseListFuture.maxBy(_.bid)
      println(s"winner: $bidOfferWinner")
      sender() ! Some(bidOfferWinner.content)