根据另一个函数中的位置提取 kwargs 和 args

Extract kwargs and args based on positions in another function


def f(arg1, arg2=0, otherargs=...):
    # Does something.


def g(*):  # Or however best to parameterize.
    arg1 =  # Extract arg1 value.
    arg2 =  # Extract arg2 value, if provided.
    # Do something with arg1 and arg2.
    f_result = f(arg1, arg2, otherargs)
    # Do something else with f_result and return.


这可以通过 inspect.getcallargs 实现:它接受函数、args 和 kwargs,以及 returns 参数字典。使用上面定义的 f 和 g,这看起来像:

import inspect
def f(arg1, arg2=0, otherargs=...):
    # Does something.

def g(*args, **kwargs):  # Or however best to parameterize.
    kwargs = inspect.getcallargs(f, *args, **kwargs)
    arg1 = kwargs["arg1"] # Extract arg1 value.
    arg2 = kwargs["arg2"] # Extract arg2 value, if provided.
    otherargs = kwargs["otherargs"]
    # Do something with arg1 and arg2.
    f_result = f(arg1, arg2, otherargs)
    # Do something else with f_result and return.