从 R 包输出到用户的主文件空间而不是 "malicious or anti-social"

Output from R package to user's home filespace without being "malicious or anti-social"

我正在编写一个程序包来生成桥牌手牌的 PDF。当中间文件保存到临时文件然后取消链接时,需要保存最终的 PDF,以便可以打印或保存到集合中。这与 CRAN 存储库政策相矛盾:

Packages should not write in the user’s home filespace (including clipboards), nor anywhere else on the file system apart from the R session’s temporary directory (or during installation in the location pointed to by TMPDIR: and such usage should be cleaned up). Installing into the system’s R installation (e.g., scripts to its bin directory) is not allowed.

如何使代码既合规又让 PDF 可供用户使用?



该函数可以只接受一个文件名(因此用户可以根据需要将其放在自己的家中),如果 none 给定(丢失),您可以生成一个临时 pdf 文件并详细说明你把它放在那里了?