
trouble retrieving an email from an username from a text document


Discorduser#0182 Test@example.com
Discordusernumber_one#0182 Testboi@example.co.uk

但是,当我输入第一个选项时,它会从第一行检索电子邮件,但如果我是第二个用户,它似乎找不到它,这是网站的代码...代码是 bottle.py 脚本的一部分,但这是此页面的主要部分

def confirm():
    return CONFIRM_PAGE

def confirm():
    name = request.forms.get('name')
    for line in open('Confirmations.txt', 'r').readlines():
        login_info = line.replace('\n', '').split()
        if name == login_info[0]:
            return CONFIRM_PAGE.replace('''<h1 id='emailbox'></h1>''', '<h1>' + login_info[1] + '</h1>')
            return CONFIRM_PAGE.replace('''<h1 id='emailbox'></h1>''', '<h1>' + 'That user is not valid' + '</h1>')
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    <h1 style="font-family:Cooper Black; font-size: 7em;"><b>Confirmations<b></h1>
    <h1>Please enter an username to retrieve email</h1>
    <h3>When entering name, replace any spaces with _</h3>
    <form method='POST'  action='/get_confirm'>
        <h2>Discord Username:</h2>
        <input name='name' type='text' placeholder='User#0000'>
        <input type='submit'>
        <div class='content'>
            <h1 id='emailbox'></h1>

我正在使用 bottle.py


在您的检查中立即 returns - 成功(如果用户在第一行)或不成功(如果用户不在第一行)。你想return没有成功,只有在你检查了所有行之后。

def confirm():
    name = request.forms.get('name')
    with open('Confirmations.txt', 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            user, email = line.strip().split()
            if name == user:
                return CONFIRM_PAGE.replace('''<h1 id='emailbox'></h1>''', '<h1>' + email + '</h1>')

     return CONFIRM_PAGE.replace('''<h1 id='emailbox'></h1>''', '<h1>' + 'That user is not valid' + '</h1>')
