集成AppGallery Connect服务提示"miss client id",如何处理?

What Can I Do When the Message "miss client id" Is Displayed During AppGallery Connect Service Integration?

当我参考AppGallery Connect官方文档进行APM集成打包并运行应用时,运行日志中显示错误信息:

I/com.huawei.agc.apms: failed to fetch remote config: client token request miss client id, please check whether the 'agconnect-services.json' is configured correctly.

日志如下。 Please see the log


您需要在app-levelbuild.gradle文件中添加AppGallery Connect插件。

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect'
apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect.apms'

关于如何集成AppGallery Connect插件,请参考以下内容:
