GNU 使用前导空格进行测试输出

GNU make test output with leading spaces

我想在生成文件 (GNU make) 的规则帮助中输出一些文本。

  $(info Help:)
  $(info )
  $(info make all   Build all targets)
  $(info make this  Build target this)
  $(info make long  Build target long that has)
  $(info            a very long description)
  $(info            that must be shown on)
  $(info            several lines)
  $(info make that  Build target that)

调用 make help 时,我希望:


make all   Build all targets
make this  Build target this
make long  Build target long that has
           a very long description
           that must be shown on
           several lines
make that  Build target that



make all   Build all targets
make this  Build target this
make long  Build target long that has
a very long description
that must be shown on
several lines
make that  Build target that

如何保留前导 space?


该解决方案也必须适用于 Windows。


诀窍是添加一个包含 space 的变量。然后 make 不剥离字符串。

SPACE := $(subst ,, )

  $(info Help:)
  $(info )
  $(info make all   Build all targets)
  $(info make this  Build target this)
  $(info make long  Build target long that has)
  $(info $(SPACE)          a very long description)
  $(info $(SPACE)          that must be shown on)
  $(info $(SPACE)          several lines)
  $(info make that  Build target that)

不要使用 make 的 info 函数。通常很少有理由在菜谱中使用这样的 make 函数:菜谱具有 shell 可用的全部功能,并且比 GNU make 函数功能强大得多。请改用 shell 的 echo 函数:

        echo "Help:"
        echo "make all   Build all targets"
        echo "make this  Build target this"
        echo "make long  Build target long that has"
        echo "           a very long description"
        echo "           that must be shown on"
        echo "           several lines"
        echo "make that  Build target that"


如果你真的想使用$(info ...)来实现便携性,那你就得耍点小把戏了:

E :=

        $(info $E        indented text)

这会生成一个空变量 $E,然后您可以使用它,它会标记将函数名称与其参数分隔开的空格的结尾。