在带有数组的 IN 语句之后的 WHERE 语句中使用更多占位符

Use more placeholders in WHERE statement after IN statement with arrays

我需要将更多占位符添加到以下查询中。这可能吗?我不知道从哪里开始,我在 Internet 上找不到任何选项。


$in2  = str_repeat('?,', count($arrayid) - 1) . '?';
$sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS totalacc FROM account WHERE id IN ($in2) ";
$stmt2  = $mysqli->prepare($sql2);
$types2 = str_repeat('i', count($arrayid));
    while($stmt2->fetch()) $totalacc = $row['totalacc']; 


$countname1 = '(Hallo)';
    $countname = trim(filter_var("%{$countname1}%", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$in2  = str_repeat('?,', count($arrayid) - 1) . '?';
$sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS totalacc FROM account WHERE id IN ($in2) AND name LIKE ?";
$stmt2  = $mysqli->prepare($sql2);
$types2 = str_repeat('i', count($arrayid));
$stmt2->bind_param($types2,s,...$arrayid,$countname); // Will never work, but how to do this? 
    while($stmt2->fetch()) $totalacc = $row['totalacc']; 


$countname1 = '(Hallo)';
$countname = trim(filter_var("%{$countname1}%", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING));
$in2  = str_repeat('?,', count($arrayid) - 1) . '?';

$sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS totalacc FROM account WHERE id IN ($in2) AND name LIKE ?";
$stmt2  = $mysqli->prepare($sql2);

$types2 = str_repeat('i', count($arrayid));
$types2 .= "s"; //append "s" to the end of the $types2 string.
$arrayid[] = $countname; //append the value of $countname to the array of parameters

$stmt2->bind_param($types2, ...$arrayid); 

最简单的解决方案是使用 PDO 而不是 mysqli。这样就容易多了。

如果您坚持使用 mysqli,那么您可以通过简单地忽略类型并将结果附加到数组来实现类似的目的。

$countname1 = '(Hallo)';
$countname = "%{$countname1}%";
$in2 = str_repeat('?,', count($arrayid) - 1) . '?';
$sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS totalacc FROM account WHERE id IN ($in2) AND name LIKE ?";
$stmt2 = $mysqli->prepare($sql2);

$arrayid[] = $countname;
$stmt2->bind_param(str_repeat('s', count($arrayid)), ...$arrayid);
