如何估计 R 中的变异来源? (对于双向方差分析)

How to estimate the source of variation in R? (For two-way ANOVA)


使用统计软件,经过双向方差分析后,table结果包括“变异来源”和“总变异百分比”。我如何从 R 中获取这些值?

示例: 这个数据集

Temperature <- factor(c(rep("cold", times = 4),
                        rep("hot", times = 4)),
                      levels = c("cold", "hot"))

Light <- factor(rep(c(rep("blue", times = 2),
                      rep("yellow", times = 2)),
                    times = 2),
                levels = c("blue", "yellow"))

Result <- c(90.40, 85.20, 21.70, 25.30,
            75.12, 77.36, 6.11, 10.8)

Data <- data.frame(Temperature, Light, Result)

R 中的 2 向方差分析:

two_wayANOVA <- aov(data = Data,
                    formula = Result ~ Temperature * Light)

 Df Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value  Pr(>F)    
Temperature        1    354     354   42.250 0.00289 ** 
Light              1   8723    8723 1041.366 5.5e-06 ***
Temperature:Light  1      6       6    0.725 0.44250    
Residuals          4     34       8                     
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1


正如@yh6 评论的那样,可以通过将 SumSq 除以“Sum Sq”的总和来确定变异来源。

broom 包有方便的 tidy 函数,可以从 aov 函数中获取输出,并将其制作成数据框以便于处理。

output <- tidy(two_wayANOVA)

output$variationSource <- output$sumsq/sum(output$sumsq)*100

# A tibble: 4 x 7
  term                 df   sumsq  meansq statistic     p.value variationSource
  <chr>             <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>           <dbl>
1 Temperature           1  354.    354.      42.2    0.00289              3.88  
2 Light                 1 8723.   8723.    1041.     0.00000550          95.7   
3 Temperature:Light     1    6.07    6.07     0.725  0.442                0.0666
4 Residuals             4   33.5     8.38    NA      NA                   0.368 


output$sig <- cut(output$p.value, breaks=c(0,  0.001,  0.01,  0.05,  0.1, 1), 
                                  labels=c( '***',  '**' , '*' , '.', ' ' ))