从DRIVER节点中找到当前Spark作业的yarn ApplicationID?

Find the yarn ApplicationID of of the current Spark job from the DRIVER node?

有没有直接的方法从Amazon的Elastic Map Reduce (EMR)下的DRIVER节点运行获取当前作业的yarn ApplicationId?这是运行集群模式下的Spark。

现在我正在使用对工作人员运行 map() 操作的代码来读取 CONTAINER_ID 环境变量。这似乎效率低下。这是代码:

def applicationIdFromEnvironment():
    return "_".join(['application'] + os.environ['CONTAINER_ID'].split("_")[1:3])

def applicationId():
    """Return the Yarn (or local) applicationID.
    The environment variables are only set if we are running in a Yarn container.

    # First check to see if we are running on the worker...
        return applicationIdFromEnvironment()
    except KeyError:

    # Perhaps we are running on the driver? If so, run a Spark job that finds it.
        from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
        sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
        if "local" in sc.getConf().get("spark.master"):
            return f"local{os.getpid()}"
        # Note: make sure that the following map does not require access to any existing module.
        appid = sc.parallelize([1]).map(lambda x: "_".join(['application'] + os.environ['CONTAINER_ID'].split("_")[1:3])).collect()
        return appid[0]
    except ImportError:

    # Application ID cannot be determined.
    return f"unknown{os.getpid()}"

您可以使用 属性 applicationId:

直接从 SparkContext 获取 applicationID

A unique identifier for the Spark application. Its format depends on the scheduler implementation.

  • in case of local spark app something like ‘local-1433865536131’

  • case of YARN something like ‘application_1433865536131_34483’

appid = sc.applicationId