
crypt problrm in js

我有从文件 info.txt 解密密码的草图,当我转到 http://localhost:8080:

var crypto = require('crypto');         // encryption/decryption tool
var fs = require('fs');                 // filesystem manager
var express = require('express');       // web server
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); // email
var key = process.argv[3];
var fileName = __dirname + "/info.txt";
var decipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes-256-cbc', key);
var server = express();

var account = {
   host: 'smtp.gmail.com',   // mail server
   port: 465,                // SSL mail port
   secure: true,             // using secure sockets for mail
   auth: {
     user: process.argv[2],  // username from the commnand line
     pass: ''                // password will come from decryption later

 var message = {
 from: account.auth.user,
 to: 'z.zitsw@gmail.com', //''cat.owner@example.com',
 subject: 'Hello from the cat',
 text: 'The cat is sitting on his mat! http://www.example.com/catcam.html'

 function sendMail(request, response) {
 // callback function to confirm mail was sent and inform web client
 var mailClient = nodemailer.createTransport(account);
 var responseString = mailClient.sendMail(message, confirmMail);

  function decryptFile(error, data) {
   // if there's valid data from the file, decrypt it:
  if (data){
  var content = data.toString();
  var decryptedPassword = decipher.update(content, 'hex', 'utf8');
  decryptedPassword += decipher.final('utf8');
  account.auth.pass = decryptedPassword;
// if the file produces an error, report it:
 } else if (error) {

  // read from the password file:
  fs.readFile(fileName, decryptFile);
  console.log("credentials for " + account.auth.user + " obtained.");

 // start the server:
  server.get('/mail', sendMail);            // send a mail
  console.log("waiting for web clients now.");

但是当我在终端中 运行 应用程序(节点 server.js my_mail 键)时,我收到此错误: (节点:7392)[DEP0106]弃用警告:crypto.createDecipher 已弃用。 (使用 node --trace-deprecation ... 显示创建警告的位置) internal/validators.js:198 抛出新的 ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('encoding', 编码


所以对我来说,这意味着函数 createDecipher 不再受支持?也许如果您查看 crypto 包的文档,可能会有解释或替代方法来解决这个问题。