与 R 中的 NA 进行交叉核二维卷积
cross kernel 2D convolution with NAs in R
我有一个包含 NA
的矩阵。我的目标是使用 4 个相邻值(交叉模式)的平均值来填充它们。这是“交叉”模式内核:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.00 0.25 0.00
[2,] 0.25 0.00 0.25
[3,] 0.00 0.25 0.00
这是一个带有 for 循环的代码。它有效,但我不喜欢它,它不可读(即使对我来说,也很难理解正在发生的事情)。此外,我没有进行基准测试,但我认为可能有最快的方法。
mx <- matrix(rep(NA, 5^2), nrow = 5)
mx[3,3] <- 10
index <- which(is.na(mx), arr.ind = T)
for (i in 1:nrow(index)) {
# if NA is at first row, use that one, otherwise we will subtract one
bottom <- ifelse(index[i, 1] <= 1, index[i, 1], index[i, 1] - 1)
# if NA is at the last row, use that one, otherwise we will add 1
top <- ifelse(index[i, 1] >= nrow(mx), index[i, 1], index[i, 1] + 1)
# if NA is at first column use that one, otherwise subtract one
left <- ifelse(index[i, 2] <= 1, index[i, 2], index[i, 2] - 1)
# if NA is at the end, use that one, otherwise add one
right <- ifelse(index[i, 2] >= ncol(mx), index[i, 2], index[i, 2] + 1)
# inplace substitution
mx[index[i,1],index[i,2]] <- mean(c(
mx[bottom, index[i, 2]],
mx[top, index[i, 2]],
mx[index[i, 1], right],
mx[index[i, 1], left] ),
> mx
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
[2,] NaN NaN 10 10 10
[3,] NaN 10 10 10 10
[4,] NaN 10 10 10 10
[5,] NaN 10 10 10 10
我尝试使用一些图片包,但找不到我要找的确切内容。 OpenImageR::convolution
以 NA
s 失败,imager::inpaint()
# all of this reasoning is to convolve this filter
kernel <- matrix(c(0,1,0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), nrow=3)
kernel <- kernel/4 # we need 1/4 to get the proper weights
# and use it to calculate the mean of the values
# then use the indices to fill the NAs on the original matrix
# not exactly working as I would like because of NAs
#OpenImageR::convolution(mx, kernel = kernel, mode = "same")
#imager::inpaint() does something similar
由于 ifelse
是向量化的,我们可以将其移出 for
v3 <- function(x) {
x2 <- x
index <- which(is.na(x), arr.ind = T)
i <- index[, 1]
j <- index[, 2]
bottom <- ifelse(i <= 1, i, i - 1)
top <- ifelse(i >= nrow(x), i, i + 1)
left <- ifelse(j <= 1, j, j - 1)
right <- ifelse(j >= ncol(x), j, j + 1)
for (z in 1:nrow(index)) {
ii <- i[z]
jj <- j[z]
v <- c(x2[bottom[z], jj], x2[top[z], jj], x2[ii, right[z]], x2[ii, left[z]])
x2[ii, jj] <- mean(v, na.rm = TRUE)
v4 <- function(x) {
x2 <- x
index <- which(is.na(x), arr.ind = T)
i <- index[, 1]
j <- index[, 2]
bottom <- ifelse(i <= 1, i, i - 1)
top <- ifelse(i >= nrow(x), i, i + 1)
left <- ifelse(j <= 1, j, j - 1)
right <- ifelse(j >= ncol(x), j, j + 1)
a <- c(x[cbind(bottom, j)],
x[cbind(top, j)],
x[cbind(i, right)],
x[cbind(i, left)])
a <- matrix(a, ncol = 4)
r <- rowMeans(a, na.rm = T)
x2[index] <- r
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
# [2,] NaN NaN 10 NaN NaN
# [3,] NaN 10 10 10 NaN
# [4,] NaN NaN 10 NaN NaN
# [5,] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
bench::mark(original(mx2), v3(mx2), v4(mx2), check = F)[, 1:5]
# A tibble: 3 x 5
# expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc
# <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt>
# 1 original(mx2) 742.1us 766.1us 1299. 488B
# 2 v3(mx2) 114.2us 119.3us 8322. 4.07KB
# 3 v4(mx2) 46.1us 48.6us 20275. 9.46KB
p.s。 v3
我有一个包含 NA
的矩阵。我的目标是使用 4 个相邻值(交叉模式)的平均值来填充它们。这是“交叉”模式内核:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.00 0.25 0.00
[2,] 0.25 0.00 0.25
[3,] 0.00 0.25 0.00
这是一个带有 for 循环的代码。它有效,但我不喜欢它,它不可读(即使对我来说,也很难理解正在发生的事情)。此外,我没有进行基准测试,但我认为可能有最快的方法。
mx <- matrix(rep(NA, 5^2), nrow = 5)
mx[3,3] <- 10
index <- which(is.na(mx), arr.ind = T)
for (i in 1:nrow(index)) {
# if NA is at first row, use that one, otherwise we will subtract one
bottom <- ifelse(index[i, 1] <= 1, index[i, 1], index[i, 1] - 1)
# if NA is at the last row, use that one, otherwise we will add 1
top <- ifelse(index[i, 1] >= nrow(mx), index[i, 1], index[i, 1] + 1)
# if NA is at first column use that one, otherwise subtract one
left <- ifelse(index[i, 2] <= 1, index[i, 2], index[i, 2] - 1)
# if NA is at the end, use that one, otherwise add one
right <- ifelse(index[i, 2] >= ncol(mx), index[i, 2], index[i, 2] + 1)
# inplace substitution
mx[index[i,1],index[i,2]] <- mean(c(
mx[bottom, index[i, 2]],
mx[top, index[i, 2]],
mx[index[i, 1], right],
mx[index[i, 1], left] ),
> mx
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
[2,] NaN NaN 10 10 10
[3,] NaN 10 10 10 10
[4,] NaN 10 10 10 10
[5,] NaN 10 10 10 10
我尝试使用一些图片包,但找不到我要找的确切内容。 OpenImageR::convolution
以 NA
s 失败,imager::inpaint()
# all of this reasoning is to convolve this filter
kernel <- matrix(c(0,1,0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), nrow=3)
kernel <- kernel/4 # we need 1/4 to get the proper weights
# and use it to calculate the mean of the values
# then use the indices to fill the NAs on the original matrix
# not exactly working as I would like because of NAs
#OpenImageR::convolution(mx, kernel = kernel, mode = "same")
#imager::inpaint() does something similar
由于 ifelse
是向量化的,我们可以将其移出 for
v3 <- function(x) {
x2 <- x
index <- which(is.na(x), arr.ind = T)
i <- index[, 1]
j <- index[, 2]
bottom <- ifelse(i <= 1, i, i - 1)
top <- ifelse(i >= nrow(x), i, i + 1)
left <- ifelse(j <= 1, j, j - 1)
right <- ifelse(j >= ncol(x), j, j + 1)
for (z in 1:nrow(index)) {
ii <- i[z]
jj <- j[z]
v <- c(x2[bottom[z], jj], x2[top[z], jj], x2[ii, right[z]], x2[ii, left[z]])
x2[ii, jj] <- mean(v, na.rm = TRUE)
v4 <- function(x) {
x2 <- x
index <- which(is.na(x), arr.ind = T)
i <- index[, 1]
j <- index[, 2]
bottom <- ifelse(i <= 1, i, i - 1)
top <- ifelse(i >= nrow(x), i, i + 1)
left <- ifelse(j <= 1, j, j - 1)
right <- ifelse(j >= ncol(x), j, j + 1)
a <- c(x[cbind(bottom, j)],
x[cbind(top, j)],
x[cbind(i, right)],
x[cbind(i, left)])
a <- matrix(a, ncol = 4)
r <- rowMeans(a, na.rm = T)
x2[index] <- r
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
# [2,] NaN NaN 10 NaN NaN
# [3,] NaN 10 10 10 NaN
# [4,] NaN NaN 10 NaN NaN
# [5,] NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
bench::mark(original(mx2), v3(mx2), v4(mx2), check = F)[, 1:5]
# A tibble: 3 x 5
# expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc
# <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt>
# 1 original(mx2) 742.1us 766.1us 1299. 488B
# 2 v3(mx2) 114.2us 119.3us 8322. 4.07KB
# 3 v4(mx2) 46.1us 48.6us 20275. 9.46KB
p.s。 v3