
How do I get the velocity of a tracked object without calibration?

我正在使用 YoloV4 和 Deepsort 来检测和跟踪帧中的人。


我的问题是我是否可以使用人员检测的边界框作为以像素为单位的人员大小的测量值,以及我是否可以平均一个人的大小(比如 68 英寸高 x 15 英寸宽) ) 并具有必要的“校准”指标来确定 inches/s 对象从框架中的 A 点移动到 B 点,作为从区域 A 到区域 B 的人的大小的反映?


任何建议都会有所帮助! 谢谢!


# # Calculate the center of the bounding box
xCenter = int((bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2)
yCenter = int((bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2)

# Get metrics from metrics {track_id : [[frames, xCenter, yCenter], [frames, xCenter, yCenter]] }
values = metrics[track_id]

# # calculate displacement, velocity and speed.
if len(values) > 1:
    delta_frames = values[-1][0] - values[-2][0]
    delta_t = delta_frames / fps     #fps = 30
    delta_x = values[-1][1] - values[-2][1]
    delta_y = values[-1][2] - values[-2][2]

    total_displacement = math.sqrt(delta_x ** 2 + delta_y ** 2)

    speed = total_displacement / delta_t


我计算边界框的高度和宽度。我通过将边界框除以平均人类高度和宽度来得到该边界框的每英寸像素数。然后我将区域 A 的每英寸像素与区域 B 的每英寸像素之间的 linspace() 求和以获得距离。虽然它不是很准确,所以也许我可以以某种方式改进它。


# # Average human dimensions in inches
avg_person_width = 15
avg_person_height = 65

# # width, Height of the bounding box in pixels
bbox_width = bbox[2] - bbox[0]
bbox_height = bbox[3] - bbox[1]

# Pixels per inch within the bounding box
pixels_per_inch_width = bbox_width / avg_person_width
pixels_per_inch_height = bbox_height / avg_person_height

if track.track_id in metrics:
# append the new number to the existing array at this slot
    metrics[track_id].append([frame_idx, xCenter, yCenter, pixels_per_inch_width, pixels_per_inch_height])
    # create a new array in this slot
    metrics[track_id] = [[frame_idx, xCenter, yCenter, pixels_per_inch_width, pixels_per_inch_height]]

values = metrics[track_id]

# # calculate displacement, velocity and speed.
if len(values) > 1:
    if all(values[-1]) and all(values[-2]):
        delta_frames = values[-1][0] - values[-2][0]
        delta_t = delta_frames / fps
        delta_x = values[-1][1] - values[-2][1]
        delta_y = values[-1][2] - values[-2][2]

        pixels_per_inch_width = values[-1][3]
        pixels_per_inch_height = values[-1][4]

        pixels_per_inch_width_2 = values[-2][3]
        pixels_per_inch_height_2 = values[-2][4]

        distance_x = np.linspace(pixels_per_inch_width, pixels_per_inch_width_2, abs(delta_x))
        distance_y = np.linspace(pixels_per_inch_height, pixels_per_inch_height_2, abs(delta_y))

        total_distance_x = sum(distance_x)
        total_distance_y = sum(distance_y)

        total_displacement = math.sqrt(total_distance_x ** 2 + total_distance_y ** 2)

        # # Inches / second (IPS)
        speed_ips = total_displacement / delta_t

        conversion: 1 inch per second (in/s) = 0.056818182 mile per hour (mph)
        # # Miles / Hour. Average human walks at < 3 mph
        speed_mph = speed_ips * 0.056818182