How do I read in a specified number of characters from a file while still iterating through it?
Judy Henn 2 Oaklyn Road Saturday 2001
Norman Malnark 15 Manor Drive Saturday 2500
Rita Fish 210 Sunbury Road Friday 750
我需要分配前 20 个字符作为名称,接下来的 20 个字符作为地址,接下来的 10 个字符作为日期,数字作为 yardSize,使用 istream::get()
方法。我的教授要求使用 .get()
struct Customer{
char name[21];
char address[21];
char day[11];
int yardSize;
int main(){
const int arrSize = 50;
Customer custArr[arrSize];
int i = 0;
//set up file
ifstream dataFile;
//try to open file
cout << "couldn't open file";
//while dataFile hasn't ended
dataFile.get(custArr[i].name, 21);
cout << custArr[i].name;
}; //end
我原以为 while
循环会将前 21 个字符分配给 custArr[i].name
,然后一遍又一遍地循环直到文件末尾。但是,当我打印出 custArr[i].name
Judy Henn 2 Oaklyn Road Saturday 2001
首先,您提到的字符数与您显示的数据文件不匹配。姓名只能使用 19 个字符,而不是 20 个。并且当天只能使用 9 个字符,而不是 10 个。
修复后,您的代码仍然有问题,因为它只读入 Customer::name
字段。所以它将尝试将 Judy Henn
读入 custArr[0].name
,然后将 2 Oaklyn Road
读入 custArr[1].name
,然后将 Saturday
读入 custArr[2].name
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Customer
char name[21];
char address[21];
char day[11];
int yardSize;
int main()
const int arrSize = 50;
Customer custArr[arrSize];
string line;
int i = 0;
//set up file
ifstream dataFile("Data.txt");
if (!dataFile)
cout << "couldn't open file";
return 0;
//while dataFile hasn't ended
while ((i < arrSize) && getline(dataFile, line))
istringstream iss(line);
if (iss.get(custArr[i].name, 21) &&
iss.get(custArr[i].address, 21) &&
iss.get(custArr[i].day, 11) &&
iss >> custArr[i].yardSize)
cout << custArr[i].name;
return 0;
读取固定宽度(大型机类型)记录并不是 C++ 专门编写的。虽然 C++ 提供了丰富的字符串操作函数,但读取固定宽度的记录仍然是您必须使用基本的 I/O 函数自己组合起来的东西。
除了使用 @RemyLebeau, a similar approach using std::vector<Customer>
instead of an array of customers eliminates bounds concerns. By using a std::vector 的出色答案而不是数组之外,您还可以调整代码以根据需要读取尽可能多的记录(不超过物理内存的限制),而不必担心添加超出数组范围的信息。
此外,如当前所写,您在每个数组中保留前导和尾随的白色space。例如,您的 name
数组将包含 " Judy Henn "
而不仅仅是 "Judy Henn"
。通常,您总是希望 trim 前导和尾随白色 space 来自您存储为变量的内容。否则,当您使用存储的字符时,每次使用内容时都必须以某种方式处理 whitespace 。虽然 std::string
提供了许多方法,您可以使用这些方法来 trim 前导和尾随白色 space,但您对普通旧 char[]
将代码添加到 trim Customer
集合中的字符数组中多余的前导和尾随白色space 可以编写如下。
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#define NAMLEN 20 /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
#define ADDRLEN 21 /* (these marking the fixed-widths of the fields) */
#define DAYLEN 10
struct Customer {
char name[21];
char address[21];
char day[11];
int yardSize;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) { /* validate at least one argument given for filename */
std::cerr << "error: insufficient no. of arguments\n"
"usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>\n";
return 1;
std::string line {}; /* string to hold each line read from file */
std::vector<Customer> customers {}; /* vector of Customer struct */
std::ifstream f (argv[1]); /* file stream (filename in 1st arg) */
if (!f.is_open()) { /* validate file open for reading */
std::cerr << "error: file open failed '" << argv[1] << "'.\n"
<< "usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>\n";
return 1;
while (getline (f, line)) { /* read each line into line */
std::stringstream ss (line); /* create stringstream from line */
Customer tmp {}; /* declare temporary instance */
char *p; /* pointer to trim leading ws from name */
size_t wslen; /* whitespace len to use in trim */
ss.get (tmp.name, NAMLEN); /* read up to NAMLEN chars from ss */
if (ss.gcount() != NAMLEN - 1) { /* validate gcount()-1 chars read */
std::cerr << "error: invalid format for name.\n";
for (int i = NAMLEN - 2; tmp.name[i] == ' '; i--) /* loop from end of name */
tmp.name[i] = 0; /* overwrite spaces with nul-char */
for (p = tmp.name; *p == ' '; p++) {} /* count leading spaces */
wslen = strlen (p); /* get remaining length */
memmove (tmp.name, p, wslen + 1); /* move name to front of array */
ss.get (tmp.address, ADDRLEN); /* read up to ADDRLEN chars from ss */
if (ss.gcount() != ADDRLEN - 1) { /* validate gcount()-1 chars read */
std::cerr << "error: invalid format for address.\n";
for (int i = ADDRLEN - 2; tmp.address[i] == ' '; i--)/* loop from end of name */
tmp.address[i] = 0; /* overwrite spaces with nul-char */
ss.get (tmp.day, DAYLEN); /* read up to DAYLEN chars from ss */
if (ss.gcount() != DAYLEN - 1) { /* validate gcount()-1 chars read */
std::cerr << "error: invalid format for day.\n";
for (int i = DAYLEN - 2; tmp.day[i] == ' '; i--) /* loop from end of name */
tmp.day[i] = 0; /* overwrite spaces with nul-char */
if (!(ss >> tmp.yardSize)) { /* extract final int value from ss */
std::cerr << "error: invalid format for yardSize.\n";
customers.push_back(tmp); /* add temp to vector */
for (Customer c : customers) /* output information */
std::cout << "\n'" << c.name << "'\n'" << c.address << "'\n'" <<
c.day << "'\n'" << c.yardSize << "'\n";
(注意: 程序希望在命令行上提供要读取的文件名作为第一个参数。您可以更改提供文件名的方式以满足您的需要,但你不应该硬编码文件名或在你的代码中使用 MagicNumbers。你不应该为了从另一个文件名读取而重新编译你的程序)
另请注意,在 for()
循环 trimming whitespace 中,您正在处理基于 0 的索引而不是基于 1 的字符计数,这就是为什么您正在使用 gcount() - 1
或字符总数减去两个,例如NAMLEN - 2
删除尾随的白色space只是从每个数组末尾的每个字符串中的最后一个字符循环回到开头,用nul-覆盖每个space终止 字符。从name
$ ./bin/read_customer_day_get dat/customer_day_get.txt
'Judy Henn'
'2 Oaklyn Road'
'Norman Malnark'
'15 Manor Drive'
'Rita Fish'
'210 Sunbury Road'
每个值的输出都包含在单引号中,以提供视觉确认,即 name
字段已删除前导和尾随白色 space,而 address
Judy Henn 2 Oaklyn Road Saturday 2001
Norman Malnark 15 Manor Drive Saturday 2500
Rita Fish 210 Sunbury Road Friday 750
我需要分配前 20 个字符作为名称,接下来的 20 个字符作为地址,接下来的 10 个字符作为日期,数字作为 yardSize,使用 istream::get()
方法。我的教授要求使用 .get()
struct Customer{
char name[21];
char address[21];
char day[11];
int yardSize;
int main(){
const int arrSize = 50;
Customer custArr[arrSize];
int i = 0;
//set up file
ifstream dataFile;
//try to open file
cout << "couldn't open file";
//while dataFile hasn't ended
dataFile.get(custArr[i].name, 21);
cout << custArr[i].name;
}; //end
我原以为 while
循环会将前 21 个字符分配给 custArr[i].name
,然后一遍又一遍地循环直到文件末尾。但是,当我打印出 custArr[i].name
Judy Henn 2 Oaklyn Road Saturday 2001
首先,您提到的字符数与您显示的数据文件不匹配。姓名只能使用 19 个字符,而不是 20 个。并且当天只能使用 9 个字符,而不是 10 个。
修复后,您的代码仍然有问题,因为它只读入 Customer::name
字段。所以它将尝试将 Judy Henn
读入 custArr[0].name
,然后将 2 Oaklyn Road
读入 custArr[1].name
,然后将 Saturday
读入 custArr[2].name
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Customer
char name[21];
char address[21];
char day[11];
int yardSize;
int main()
const int arrSize = 50;
Customer custArr[arrSize];
string line;
int i = 0;
//set up file
ifstream dataFile("Data.txt");
if (!dataFile)
cout << "couldn't open file";
return 0;
//while dataFile hasn't ended
while ((i < arrSize) && getline(dataFile, line))
istringstream iss(line);
if (iss.get(custArr[i].name, 21) &&
iss.get(custArr[i].address, 21) &&
iss.get(custArr[i].day, 11) &&
iss >> custArr[i].yardSize)
cout << custArr[i].name;
return 0;
读取固定宽度(大型机类型)记录并不是 C++ 专门编写的。虽然 C++ 提供了丰富的字符串操作函数,但读取固定宽度的记录仍然是您必须使用基本的 I/O 函数自己组合起来的东西。
除了使用 @RemyLebeau, a similar approach using std::vector<Customer>
instead of an array of customers eliminates bounds concerns. By using a std::vector 的出色答案而不是数组之外,您还可以调整代码以根据需要读取尽可能多的记录(不超过物理内存的限制),而不必担心添加超出数组范围的信息。
此外,如当前所写,您在每个数组中保留前导和尾随的白色space。例如,您的 name
数组将包含 " Judy Henn "
而不仅仅是 "Judy Henn"
。通常,您总是希望 trim 前导和尾随白色 space 来自您存储为变量的内容。否则,当您使用存储的字符时,每次使用内容时都必须以某种方式处理 whitespace 。虽然 std::string
提供了许多方法,您可以使用这些方法来 trim 前导和尾随白色 space,但您对普通旧 char[]
将代码添加到 trim Customer
集合中的字符数组中多余的前导和尾随白色space 可以编写如下。
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#define NAMLEN 20 /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
#define ADDRLEN 21 /* (these marking the fixed-widths of the fields) */
#define DAYLEN 10
struct Customer {
char name[21];
char address[21];
char day[11];
int yardSize;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 2) { /* validate at least one argument given for filename */
std::cerr << "error: insufficient no. of arguments\n"
"usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>\n";
return 1;
std::string line {}; /* string to hold each line read from file */
std::vector<Customer> customers {}; /* vector of Customer struct */
std::ifstream f (argv[1]); /* file stream (filename in 1st arg) */
if (!f.is_open()) { /* validate file open for reading */
std::cerr << "error: file open failed '" << argv[1] << "'.\n"
<< "usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>\n";
return 1;
while (getline (f, line)) { /* read each line into line */
std::stringstream ss (line); /* create stringstream from line */
Customer tmp {}; /* declare temporary instance */
char *p; /* pointer to trim leading ws from name */
size_t wslen; /* whitespace len to use in trim */
ss.get (tmp.name, NAMLEN); /* read up to NAMLEN chars from ss */
if (ss.gcount() != NAMLEN - 1) { /* validate gcount()-1 chars read */
std::cerr << "error: invalid format for name.\n";
for (int i = NAMLEN - 2; tmp.name[i] == ' '; i--) /* loop from end of name */
tmp.name[i] = 0; /* overwrite spaces with nul-char */
for (p = tmp.name; *p == ' '; p++) {} /* count leading spaces */
wslen = strlen (p); /* get remaining length */
memmove (tmp.name, p, wslen + 1); /* move name to front of array */
ss.get (tmp.address, ADDRLEN); /* read up to ADDRLEN chars from ss */
if (ss.gcount() != ADDRLEN - 1) { /* validate gcount()-1 chars read */
std::cerr << "error: invalid format for address.\n";
for (int i = ADDRLEN - 2; tmp.address[i] == ' '; i--)/* loop from end of name */
tmp.address[i] = 0; /* overwrite spaces with nul-char */
ss.get (tmp.day, DAYLEN); /* read up to DAYLEN chars from ss */
if (ss.gcount() != DAYLEN - 1) { /* validate gcount()-1 chars read */
std::cerr << "error: invalid format for day.\n";
for (int i = DAYLEN - 2; tmp.day[i] == ' '; i--) /* loop from end of name */
tmp.day[i] = 0; /* overwrite spaces with nul-char */
if (!(ss >> tmp.yardSize)) { /* extract final int value from ss */
std::cerr << "error: invalid format for yardSize.\n";
customers.push_back(tmp); /* add temp to vector */
for (Customer c : customers) /* output information */
std::cout << "\n'" << c.name << "'\n'" << c.address << "'\n'" <<
c.day << "'\n'" << c.yardSize << "'\n";
(注意: 程序希望在命令行上提供要读取的文件名作为第一个参数。您可以更改提供文件名的方式以满足您的需要,但你不应该硬编码文件名或在你的代码中使用 MagicNumbers。你不应该为了从另一个文件名读取而重新编译你的程序)
另请注意,在 for()
循环 trimming whitespace 中,您正在处理基于 0 的索引而不是基于 1 的字符计数,这就是为什么您正在使用 gcount() - 1
或字符总数减去两个,例如NAMLEN - 2
删除尾随的白色space只是从每个数组末尾的每个字符串中的最后一个字符循环回到开头,用nul-覆盖每个space终止 字符。从name
$ ./bin/read_customer_day_get dat/customer_day_get.txt
'Judy Henn'
'2 Oaklyn Road'
'Norman Malnark'
'15 Manor Drive'
'Rita Fish'
'210 Sunbury Road'
每个值的输出都包含在单引号中,以提供视觉确认,即 name
字段已删除前导和尾随白色 space,而 address