
Parse Cloud Code Job Function Optimization

我正在 运行宁从事云代码方面的工作。当我手动 运行 作业时,它似乎有效。我认为调度对其设置频率 运行ning 提出了一个问题,所以我认为它与实际代码无关。也许我错了,但很好奇是否有更有效的方法来轮询我的解析 class。我有一个应用程序,我试图在其中查找从 now() 开始的下一个小时内即将到来的预订,如果有,则向 class 内的用户发送推送通知。同样,这 运行s 但我认为我可以优化我的查询以仅获取该时间范围内的项目而不是具有特定状态的更多项目。

Parse.Cloud.job("updateReviews", async (request) => {

var resultCount = 0;

// Query all bookings with a status of confirmed
var query = new Parse.Query("bookings");
query.equalTo("status", "confirmed");
const results = await query.find({useMasterKey:true});

results.forEach(object => {

    var users = [];

    var today = new moment();
    var hourFrom = moment().add(1, 'hours');
    var startTime = moment(object.get("startTime"));

    if (startTime.isBetween(today, hourFrom)) {
        console.log("BETWEEN THE TIMEFRAME");
        resultCount += 1;


    } else {
        console.log("NOT BETWEEN THE TIME FRAME, PASS OVER");

return ("Successfully sent " + resultCount + " new notifications!");


函数 sendPush(值、索引、数组){

var pushType = "bookingConfirmed";

let query = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
query.equalTo("userId", value);
return Parse.Push.send({
    where: query,
    data: {
        title: "New Booking Coming Up",
        alert: "You have a booking coming up soon!",
},{useMasterKey: true});



Parse.Cloud.job('updateReviews', async () => {
  // Query all bookings with a status of confirmed
  const query = new Parse.Query('bookings');
  query.equalTo('status', 'confirmed');
  const now = new Date();
  query.greaterThanOrEqualTo('startTime', now);
  query.lessThanOrEqualTo('startTime', new Date(now.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000));
  const results = await query.find({ useMasterKey: true });

  const pushType = "bookingConfirmed";

  const pushQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation);
  pushQuery.containedIn("userId", results.map(result => result.get('buyerId')).concat(results.map(result => result.get('placeOwner'))));
  await Parse.Push.send({
    where: pushQuery,
    data: {
      title: 'New Booking Coming Up',
      alert: 'You have a booking coming up soon!',
  }, { useMasterKey: true });

  return (`Successfully sent ${results.length} new notifications!`);